March 1 – The CDC announces an update to their guidance regarding respiratory viruses, now recommending “people with respiratory virus symptoms that are not better explained by another cause stay home and away from others until at least 24 hours after both resolution of fever AND overall symptom [sic] are getting better.” The new rules do not apply to people working in the healthcare industry, however, as they will still have to isolate for several days and be symptom-free before returning to work. Also see this.
March 4 – A study is published at PubMed titled, “COVID-19 Rebound After VV116 vs Nirmatrelvir-Ritonavir Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” The study found VV116 (an oral form of remdesivir) and nirmatrelvir-ritonavir (Paxlovid) to be equally bad in terms of rebound infection up to 28 days after treatment. According to the results, “Viral load rebound occurred in 33 patients (20.0%) in the VV116 group and 39 patients (21.7%) in the nirmatrelvir-ritonavir group… Symptom rebound occurred in 41 of 160 patients (25.6%) in the VV116 group and 40 of 163 patients (24.5%) in the nirmatrelvir-ritonavir group… Viral whole-genome sequencing of 24 rebound cases revealed the same lineage at baseline and at viral load rebound in each case.” The study concluded, “In this randomized clinical trial of patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19, viral load rebound and symptom rebound were both common after a standard 5-day course of treatment with either VV116 or nirmatrelvir-ritonavir.” In other words, these drugs are garbage.
March 5 – Dr. Pierre Kory publishes an article at his Substack titled, “The Last of The ‘Big Seven’ Fraudulent Ivermectin Trials Has Finally Been Published.” The piece focuses on Oxford University’s PRINCIPLE trial, a deeply flawed “counterfeit” study conducted with one purpose in mind: to undermine ivermectin as an effective treatment for COVID. Kory points out how – despite extreme bias in regard to the treatment dose and duration, how the drug was administered, and allowing people in the ivermectin group to participate 14 days after the onset of symptoms (ivermectin works best when administered early) – it still proved to have more positive outcomes than molnupiravir (Lagevrio). Oxford not only refused to publish the study until fourteen months after the results were in (they claim they needed to do a one-year follow-up even though that was not mentioned in the original 2020 protocol), but they’ve been sitting on the results of a separate study done on hydroxychloroquine that was completed a whopping 1,380 days ago. In my opinion, the people funding and conducting these fraudulent trials need to be charged with crimes against humanity, and if found guilty, given the death penalty. This is the only way to reign in our corrupt medical establishment and ensure this never happens again. Make sure to check out Kory’s article for all the details as well as this analysis of the fraudulent Oxford study conducted by Update (3/14/24): Kory and Dr. Paul Marik co-author an article for Real Clear Health succinctly summarizing the bias of the PRINCIPLE trial.
- Harvard University finally drops their unscientific COVID vaccine mandate for students and staff, though they still “strongly recommend” everyone stays up-to-date on their COVID booster jabs.
- During a Foreign Press Center Briefing on U.S. Priorities to Combat [the non-existent crisis known as] Climate Change, outgoing Climate Envoy (head climate scamster) John Kerry says the transition to green energy will be bigger than the Industrial Revolution. Kerry said in part, “In November of 2020, when President-elect Biden called me about this job, he was, at the time, determined to earn back – with appropriate humility – America’s credibility, and to work with all countries… in order to raise ambition and deal with this global crisis. We held an historic leaders summit at the White House in the East Room virtually, you may recall, in the heart of the early days of COVID… The result of that was to actually raise the NDCs – national determined contributions – of countries around the world, and to begin to say to the world, look, we – the president preceding pulled out of Paris, had a different view about this issue, but we’re back to common sense and normality. The President made it clear by signing the re-entry to the Paris Agreement within hours of being sworn in on January 20th, and as a centerpiece of that climate diplomacy, we began immediately to try to deal with the finance issue. We were very sensitive to the fact that for a number of years, 100 billion had been promised from the developed world to the developing world that had not been delivered, and it was really a… sore point, if you will, between countries. So we wanted to eliminate that. We wanted to address it. And I’m proud to tell you that despite the cynicism and to some degree anger that existed, we actually delivered on the 100 billion in 2022. And again in ’23, and again this year, we’re on track to do so… This will be expensive to make the transition through investment. No country in the world has enough money to do this by itself. But if we mobilize the private sector into infrastructure, new grids, water treatment facilities, transportation, laying down the power lines and so forth – those are jobs. Those are jobs for electricians, and heavy equipment operators, and plumbers, and steel workers, and so forth. And so this is a moment of looking at the greatest economic transition that is potential there [sic], if we seize the baton and we go do it. And it is a larger even [sic] than the Industrial Revolution transformation that took place in the 1800s and early 1900s. That’s our possibility, and there’s no question in my mind that if we do what we know how to do and what we promised to do, we will actually make the world – I mean, let me stop myself and just put one thing in front of you. Currently 7 million people are dying around the world every year because of pollution, because of bad air quality. That’s greenhouse gas pollution, folks. We know what we have to do. It’s the burning of fossil fuel and not capturing it – the emissions – that is the problem. So we don’t need a new algorithm defined; we don’t need a rocket scientist to define what’s the problem. We know what the problem is; it’s simple. It’s us, the choices we make about how we light our homes, our factories, power our vehicles, and so forth. And we have new technologies available now to avoid this crisis if we choose to do so.” These psychos are working towards what will undoubtedly be the most destructive and most expensive scam in the history of the world. As I’ve stated many times before, the COVID cult and the climate cult are one in the same, and their intent is to run modern society into the ground as they kill billions of innocent people and make themselves fabulously wealthy in the process.
- The US Mortality Substack publishes a report titled, “New Zealand’s All-Cause Deaths & Mortality by Age & Vaccination Status.” While nothing too alarming is revealed by the piece, it does serve as another confirmation “all-cause mortality by vaccination status [showed] no significant difference, thus confirming findings of Benn et al. 2022, that COVID-19 vaccination does not lead to lower all-cause mortality.” As the author points out, in order for a COVID “vaccine” to have been approved by the WHO for emergency use, it needed to have an efficacy rate of 50%, which the COVID clot shots did not. In fact, the older age groups (ages 61+) – who we were told needed the shots the most to avoid dying – saw no mortality benefit whatsoever (this group accounted for 85% of NZ’s COVID deaths). Despite all of this, never once did their smiley-faced COVID tyrant and former Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, pump the brakes on trying to make the lives of the unvaccinated miserable or re-evaluate the rate at which the government was getting these dangerous, experimental shots into people’s arms. To the contrary, she gleefully created a two-tiered society – one for the vaccinated and another for the unvaccinated – and has yet to publicly express any inkling of remorse or regret. So the next time a pack of shameless tyrants insist we “follow the science,” people the world over must reject their diktats and fight tooth and nail to prevent anything like this from ever happening again.
March 6 – Billboard Chris takes to Twitter to share some details about a 14-year-old actress who entered a private clinic in Quebec posing as transgender and was given a prescription for testosterone in under nine minutes. The doctor also began inquiring about surgeries and whether she was concerned about “preserving” her fertility in less than five minutes. So in Canada you can get a doctor to “affirm” your gender and give you a drug prescription in under ten minutes, but if you come down with COVID and want to take ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine you’re shit out of luck… Sadly, these are the same people who claim to “follow the science.” The Canadian government has completely lost its mind.
- Tensions escalate (also see this and this) between protesting farmers and police in Warsaw, Poland. Demonstrations over various EU “green” policies and Ukrainian imports have been taking place on and off since November. Update (3/20/24): Farmers block roads with tractors and flares as they demand an import tax be placed on Ukrainian agricultural imports, as well as a complete withdrawal from the EU’s climate plans and emissions limitations.
- Doctors Pierre Kory and Paul Marik co-author an opinion piece for The Hill titled, “Is it long COVID or long vax? Does the government want to know?” The piece begins, “Millions of Americans are still suffering months or even years after they were infected with COVID. Long COVID as it’s commonly known is a serious and poorly understood problem. But there is also growing evidence that the COVID vaccine could cause a similar disease. We need our government health agencies to take a serious look at this condition and stop stigmatizing doctors and patients who report these findings so we can get people the help they need.” Kory and Marik go on to explain how one of the physicians from FLCCC recently started a practice focused on treating patients with long COVID. Of the more than 1,000 people evaluated and treated there, 70% “said their reported symptoms occurred in the minutes, hours, days and weeks after COVID vaccination, as opposed to after COVID infection.”
March 7 – Anthony Colpo publishes an excellent article at his Substack titled, “Is Graphene Oxide Really in the ‘Vaccines’? And Why Are Scientists Claiming This Toxic Substance Is Safe?” In addition to discussing what we actually know about whether this toxic substance is, in fact, contained in the COVID clot shots, Colpo also gets into a recently-published study out of Nature Nanotechnology (and Science Alert’s reaction) about the “acute cardiorespiratory responses” graphene oxide had on the human subjects who inhaled it. Spoiler alert: there was evidence the substance contributed to blood clotting. The article is well-researched and worth the time.
- ABC reports “at least 18” NYC employees have been arrested for “allegedly stealing identities to get financial benefits during the COVID pandemic… Prosecutors believe they are responsible for obtaining nearly $1.2 million in fraudulent benefits between April 2020 and October 2021… It is alleged that the five DHS employees got shelter resident information from paper and digital files and shared them with the group.”
- The CDC complies with a FOIA request made by The Epoch Times for information related to a long-term agency study on COVID vaccine-related myocarditis by releasing a fully redacted 148-page document. In another separate-but-related release, the CDC turned over an additional 435 pages of mostly redacted documents. The government only behaves this way when it has something to hide.
- NBA legend John Stockton, along with a group of physicians from the state of Washington, files suit against the state’s attorney general Robert Ferguson and the executive director of the Washington Medical Commission, Kyle Karinen. According to the complaint, the state commission has “investigated, prosecuted and/or sanctioned approximately 60 physicians” despite there being “no place for the government, under the guise of regulating physicians and protecting the public, to censure, restrict or sanction the content and viewpoint of the publicly expressed views of physicians on Covid or any other subject, just because the government does not like the message or thinks it is wrong… Going back seventy-years, every judge and Supreme Court justice who has written on professional soapbox speech has stated that it is fully protected by the First Amendment and/or said that it cannot be the subject of government regulation or restriction.” Ultimately, the suit seeks to not only protect the speech rights of doctors and other medical professionals who criticized the government’s unscientific COVID narrative, but the right of the public to hear their criticism.
- President Trump goes and does it again… This time vax-bragging through a post on Truth Social. At this point I’m a little surprised he’s not being advised to cut it out – though maybe he is and just isn’t listening – as evidence continues to mount showing these jabs were, and still are, dangerous and ineffective garbage. Adding insult to injury – literally – is the fact Sleepy Joe wants to take credit for Big Pharma’s deadly poison… and Trump won’t let him! Operation Warp Speed was a bad thing, not a good thing. Sad!
March 8 – US District Judge Dolly Gee rules 20th Television must face trial after firing actor Rockmond Dunbar for his refusal to take the COVID clot shot. The development comes after Dunbar sued 20th and Disney back in 2022 for religious and racial discrimination. The trial will assess whether Dunbar, who is a follower of the Church of Universal Wisdom, had sincerely held religious beliefs that would have precluded him from taking Big Pharma’s poison under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
- Alex Berenson publishes the third of three articles about how free speech has come under attack in recent years. The first is general background information that includes the origin story of the term “Overton window,” while parts two and three focus on the recently-decided Michael Mann defamation lawsuit against author and media personality, Mark Steyn, and aerospace engineer and policy analyst Rand Simberg. Both took exception to and criticized Mann’s infamous “hockey stick chart” and were sued for their opinions. After the case came out in Mann’s favor (he first sued in October of 2012), Mann and his lawyer took a victory lap on the opinion pages of the NY Slimes. In the piece, The Twerp and know-nothing COVID cult member Peter Hotez were lumped in as additional victims of “the war on science.” What’s happening here is simple. Because the left cannot win using only their ideas and policy proposals, their main tactic has become censoring and lawfare-attacking anyone of prominence who opposes them. The outcome of the Mann suit is quite worrisome as the criticisms against him were not only protected speech in my opinion, but accurate. However, since the trial took place in Washington, D.C. the outcome was always predetermined. All three articles can be read in under 10 minutes and are worth the time (introduction, part one and part two). For real information about the non-existent crisis known as climate change see this and this.
March 9 – Peter Imanuelsen reports the country of Norway, like neighboring Sweden, is proposing a law that would protect physical cash as a form of payment.
March 10 – The death cult makes gains in France as President Emmanuel Macron announces he is backing legislation to establish a government-assisted suicide program, referring to it as “help to die.” According to Reuters, “It would concern only adults capable of making the decision and whose life prognosis is threatened in the medium-term such as final-stage cancer… The decision to push ahead with the end of life legislation comes after the right to abortion was enshrined into the French constitution, following an overwhelming vote by lawmakers earlier this month.” Leftists talk about abortion like it’s a religious sacrament. Update (5/20/24): “Members in the French National Assembly are currently debating a bill on euthanasia. A worrying momentum has been building over the last few days, causing widespread alarm both in public opinion and among the medical profession. One by one, ethical barriers are being removed, making this proposed law one of the most permissive in the world…”
March 11 – Journalist Liam Cosgrove takes to Twitter to share previously unreleased footage of two Pfizer scientists making some startling admissions about the so-called COVID “vaccines” to Pfizer employee-turned whistleblower Justin Leslie. In the first clip (from 10/6/21), Leslie asks Pfizer Principal Scientist Kanwal Gill if it’s safe and effective for people to take “another experimental injection” (booster jab) or if the big push was just about making money. Gill responds by saying, “This is a weird time (inaudible)… We don’t even know. When we started I tell people we had no idea how it’s gonna look like. mRNA vaccines have been there for 50 years, but nothing went to clinical trial because mRNA vaccines have been known to have side-effects. Moderna has been working on it for 10 years, this is not the new thing. But why it didn’t reach trial was because of all these side-effects. Pfizer and Moderna used the emergency and the pandemic to kind of get through it now.” When asked a follow-up about why Pfizer didn’t even try to develop a more traditional vaccine, Gill said, “We here did not do it cause we already had a collaboration with BioNTech on flu, before actually COVID happened… The story behind we starting on this because BioNTech guy Ugur Sahin, the BioNTech CEO, he called Kathrin Jansen [former head of vaccine R&D at Pfizer] and he’s like ‘I have this technology but I do not have resources to make it big.’ So Kathrin was like, ‘Well, we have collaboration in place before for flu’ – so we wanted to give it a shot. There’s a new mRNA thing, nobody knew anything about it. We never had this, everything was fresh from last year. Everything was done on the fly. Pandemic – just roll it out, roll it out, roll it out… There was no time to think. It was a time to act.” She would go on to say, “Only Johnson & Johnson side-effect came out (inaudible), there was a clot that was happening… Other than that, mRNA and LNP [lipid nanoparticles] are very sneaky I think.” Gill also explained to Leslie how the normal clinical trials were done at once instead of in phases, and that allowed a process that would normally take ten years to be completed in mere months, adding how she also thinks “it’s becoming a money game.”
Leslie also secretly recorded footage of Ramin Darvari, a pharmaceutical formulation scientist at Pfizer and one of the “head honchos” responsible for bringing their COVID clot shot to market. On October 21, 2021, after Leslie told Darvari about a friend-of-a-friend dying the same day she took a booster shot, and then expressing concern over the safety of their products (or lack thereof), Darvari said, “People are looking into that, it’s just not our job to look into that… There are people who are not only looking at that, but actually there are reports that come to Pfizer – zillions of them every day.” Further along in the conversation, Leslie asks Darvari if Pfizer gets mad when the jabs aren’t mandated, to which Darvari replies, “From a business perspective? [Leslie: “yeah”] It’s just like saying, ‘do you think the chips companies they’re gonna get mad if somebody says chips is not good for you’? Of course. They don’t care if people eat chips all day and die because their job is – [Leslie interjects: “to sell chips”] engineering it the way that I take – No, it’s not even selling it. It’s for me to take it basically, right? Because otherwise I won’t buy it… So forget about those parts… So yeah, they’re engineering it specifically for me to take the next one. So increasing my consumption. And increasing my consumption, guess what? It’s gonna affect my heart and I’m gonna die.” Talk about flippant…
Leslie has also released a full length documentary about his time at Pfizer and working undercover for James O’Keefe, as well as the idea that viruses in general are a scam.
- Biostatistician, infectious-disease epidemiologist, co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration and former Harvard Medical School professor, Martin Kulldorff, publishes an article in City Journal titled, “Harvard Tramples the Truth.” The eye-opening piece details why he was fired by the CDC’s COVID Vaccine Safety Working Group, and eventually Harvard, despite his pro-COVID vaccine stance. The piece isn’t very long and certainly worth the time. For a 20-minute interview with John Tierney about the same topic click here.
- The Vires Law Group, along with the Chris Byrd Law firm, “announce the submission of requests to the District Attorneys of twenty-two Texas counties to initiate criminal investigations of Dr. Anthony Fauci and other officials for alleged crimes committed against citizens of Texas prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic… The criminal referrals accuse Dr. Fauci, current and former federal officers, and hospital systems providing care within Texas of committing crimes per Texas penal code, including: Capital Murder… Murder… Manslaughter… Trafficking of Persons… Participation in enterprise through racketeering or unlawful debt collection by Engaging in Organized Criminal Activity… Injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual… Abandoning or endangering a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual [and] Unlawful Restraint.”
- 30-year-old Egyptian soccer player, Ahmed Refaat, suffers a heart attack during the closing minutes of a match. After collapsing, Refaat stopped breathing for more than an hour despite attempts to resuscitate him. Probably totally normal. Update (3/19/24): According to Lovin Cairo, one of the medical experts for the Modern Future Football Club – Amr Osman – is saying Refaat is suffering from a “rare heart condition” and that his condition is unprecedented and something doctors haven’t seen before. Osman told the outlet, “Refaat was resuscitated for two full hours, and every time he was resuscitated, the player’s heartbeat accelerated, returning to point zero, and we had to begin the resuscitation process again. The heart’s condition returned to point zero once more approximately every five minutes.” It’s unclear whether the Egyptian Premier League required their players and staff to receive the COVID clot shot the way the English Premier League did (also see this), but Egypt certainly got a little COVID crazy in 2021, requiring fans to show proof of vaccination in order to attend games (the mandate was dropped a year later). Update 2 (3/21/24): Kingfut reports Refaat has regained consciousness and is breathing normally again. The news was delivered by Ahmed Eid, the man tasked with “monitoring” Refaat, who also “highlighted that it could take a while for him to get back on the pitch again.” Ya think?? In any case, it’s great to hear Refaat is somehow recovering after such a traumatic event.
March 12 – Dr. Peter McCullough appears on the Grant Stinchfield Podcast to discuss some of the things the US did wrong during the pandemic, as well as our broken Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). At the 14:55 mark, Stinchfield brings up an editorial published in JAMA a couple of weeks ago titled, “Misinformation and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System,” in which the authors suggest VAERS should be renamed the “Vaccine Safety Sentinel” – which couldn’t sound more Orwellian if they tried. Would people be expected to only report their positive experiences with vaccines on a site with a name like that?
The basic gist of their argument is that the dumb-dumb public (you and me) can’t process what the data on VAERS actually means, and therefore draw improper conclusions – like when I write about how the VAERS data shows COVID “vaccines” have been killing and injuring people at an unprecedented rate since they were first rolled out. In fact, I’m sure the three geniuses who wrote the article would consider how I interpret the VAERS data as a type of “misinformation” that will ultimately lead to greater vaccine hesitancy in the general public… which it should considering the numbers. Instead of appreciating how this reporting system raises red flags when adverse reactions get reported in high numbers, these people want to detract attention from it and fully rebrand it. As McCullough points out, the system has been used reliably for years and is generally considered to be accurate. VAERS is also valuable because it serves as an independent, voluntary post-marketing survey (as opposed to a rigged Big Pharma trial) that anyone can participate in.
Side note: The first author listed on the JAMA editorial is Kathleen Hall Jameison, the Director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at UPenn. The opening line on her faculty page reads, “Kathleen Hall Jamieson employs rhetorical analysis, surveys, and experiments to understand campaign communication, the science of science communication, and ways to blunt misinformation and conspiracy theories.” Lol. Give me a break, lady. To boot, she looks like a COVID/climate cult member of the highest order. Considering the Gates Foundation donated $1M to the Annenberg Institute in the spring of 2021, right in the middle of the pandemic, it’s clear these people all work together to propagandize the public while simultaneously leading well-meaning, but terribly ignorant, western societies over the edge of a cliff.
- Alex Berenson publishes an important article at his Substack about the “insane overreach of the PREP Act.” The piece tells the story of a 14-year-old boy named Tanner Smith who went into a local high school in North Carolina in August of 2021 for a COVID test while his stepdad waited outside. Unfortunately for him, the location also doubled as a COVID vaccination center. When the supposed do-gooders inside told him he needed the shot, he responded by telling them he was just there to take a test. But because a simple “no” is never good enough for those who claim to “follow the science,” one of the dupes administering the jabs called his mother to get authorization – but she didn’t answer. Another dupe then suggested they “give it to him anyway,” without first trying to contact Tanner’s stepdad who, as I mentioned, was right outside. Fast forwarding a bit, Tanner and his mother sued the county’s board of education, and the company responsible for vaccinating him, for battery and for violating his constitutional rights in August of 2022. And while you would think the suit should have been a no-brainer, NC state judge Lora Cubbage thought otherwise and dismissed the suit with prejudice in February of 2023 – which means the suit cannot be filed again. The family appealed, but to no avail. Last week, a three judge panel serving on North Carolina’s Court of Appeals unanimously upheld Cubbage’s ruling citing the PREP Act. For the court’s reasoning, and some details on a couple of other cases that were recently dismissed, check out Berenson’s article.
- Greg Reese publishes a five-minute video titled, “Parasitic Science and the Unproven Virus.” Reese packs an awful lot of information into the presentation while raising an interesting and important question: Could parasites be the real driver of disease in the modern age?
March 13 – Dr. Scott Atlas and others at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity publish a 49-page report titled, “COVID Lessons Learned: A Retrospective After Four Years.” The purpose of the report is to review “the major policy errors and lessons learned during the COVID pandemic from a balanced perspective that includes health, economic, educational, and civil liberty considerations.” It is divided into ten “lessons” and a conclusion, which reads in part, “From the very start of COVID, politicians assigned unprecedented powers to public health agencies – many of which imposed strict limits on Americans’ basic civil liberties… Granting public health agencies these extraordinary powers was a major error. It, in effect, granted these agencies a license to deceive the public… Lockdowns, school closures, and mandates were tragically flawed strategies but they were pushed with remarkable fervor by public health authorities at all levels. Consequently, these authorities have discredited themselves to a large segment of the American public… we recommend that Congress and the states define by law ‘public health emergency’ with strict limitations on powers conferred to the executives and time limits (e.g., two weeks), that requires legislation to extend. Crises are when checks and balances and well-functioning institutions are most needed – not when they should be discarded and decision-making outsourced to alleged experts like Francis Collins, who casually confessed to a completely incorrect decision calculus years later. Congress and the states should establish term limits (e.g., six years) for all senior health agency positions, including top- and mid-level posts, after first replacing the heads of CDC, NIH, and FDA. For instance, Anthony Fauci worked as a bureaucrat for 38 years. Such longevity accrues power and seems to inhibit dissenting voices, while setting up unhealthy relationships with outside parties, including the media… This structural problem created an environment in which it was very difficult for most experts to break with the dominant narratives on lockdowns, masks, or overwhelmed hospitals regardless of their own research findings, experiences, or judgment. Worse, those who did break with the party line were subject to intimidation and abuse, as well as censorship at the request and insistence of government actors… While NIH became the principal advocate of lockdown policies, it also conspicuously failed to do its job – running high-quality trials of repurposed drugs and non-pharmaceutical interventions. As a result, clinicians were largely flying blind, and policy decisions were made based on very limited high-quality evidence.” While the report is concise and measured in its criticism of how the pandemic was handled at all levels of government, it’s pretty much a compendium of what we already know.
March 14 – Phinance Technologies publishes a report titled, “US-Death Trends for Neoplasms ICD codes: C00-D48, Ages 15-44.” Researchers used CDC data from 2010 to 2022 for individuals between the ages of 15 to 44 to “compare mortality trends due to neoplasms [tumors] before the COVID-19 pandemic with the pandemic period.” The study shows “a rise in excess mortality from neoplasms reported as [the] underlying cause of death, which started in 2020 (1.7%) and accelerated substantially in 2021 (5.6%) and 2022 (7.9%). The increase in excess mortality in both 2021 and 2022 are highly statistically significant (extreme events). When looking at neoplasm death reported as one of multiple cause[s] of death, we observe a similar trend with excess mortality of 3.3% in 2020, 7.9% in 2021, and 9.8% in 2022, which were also highly statistically significant. The results indicate that from 2021 a novel phenomenon leading to increased neoplasm deaths appears to be present in individuals aged 15 to 44 in the US. The greater rise in deaths due to neoplasms in multiple causes compared to underlying cause[s] indicates that some deaths from neoplasms are being brought forward by other causes. The rise in cancer-death rates as [an] underlying cause might be the result of an unexpected rise in the incidence of rapidly growing fatal cancers and/or a reduction in survival in existing cancer cases. Further stratification is underway, for example by age and cancer type to understand these trends and their relationship to pandemic related factors such as access to or utilization of cancer screening and treatment, changes in health-related behaviors such as exercise or smoking, exposure to COVID-19 disease or COVID-19 vaccines.”
In their reporting on the study, ZeroHedge mentioned how they took a look at the CDC data used by Phinance Technologies and saw that it did not contain information about the duration of the illness prior to death, meaning “turbo cancers” can’t be ruled out. As the ZH author points out, the case for turbo cancers being caused by the COVID clot shots is mostly anecdotal and refuted by all mainstream media gatekeeping operations.
Graphic taken from the Phinance Technologies report
Graphic created by The Ethical Skeptic
Graphic created by The Ethical Skeptic
March 15 – A preprint study out of Japan is published online titled, “Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures.” The authors draw attention to “the various risks associated with blood transfusions using blood products derived from people who have suffered from long COVID and from genetic vaccine recipients, including those who have received mRNA vaccines” and offer ways to address these risks. To their credit, the authors also point out the unprecedented nature of the worldwide COVID vaccination program, and the dangers created by enacting such a program in haste, writing in part, “genetic vaccines are the equivalent of biomedicine (i.e. immune therapeutics) rather than conventional vaccines in terms of their mechanism of action. The various genetic vaccines now treated as vaccines should originally have been treated as biomedicine, but because they were classified as vaccines, huge numbers of people were inoculated with them. As a result, extensive areas of medicine are now beginning to be affected because most of the population in many countries has been vaccinated. This has never happened before in the history of biomedicine, and consequently, it is highly suspected that blood products for transfusion have been affected by these so-called genetic vaccines.”
In the “Overview of Cases of Blood Abnormalities after Genetic Vaccination” section, the authors warn “a PubMed search on diseases such as thrombocytopenia, thrombotic disorders with thrombocytopenia, deep vein thrombosis, thrombocytopenic purpura, cutaneous vasculitis, and sinus thrombosis combined with the essential keywords ‘COVID-19 vaccine’ and ‘side effects’ yielded several hundred articles in only about two years since the rollout of genetic vaccines… In addition to abnormally shaped red blood cells, amorphous material has been found floating in the blood of mRNA-vaccinated individuals under microscopic observation, some of which has shown grossly abnormal findings. Recent studies have also reported that the spike protein has amyloidogenic potential, is neurotoxic, and can cross the blood-brain barrier. Thus, there is no longer any doubt that the spike protein used as an antigen in genetic vaccines is itself toxic… [I]ndividuals who have received multiple doses of a genetic vaccine may have multiple exposures to the same antigen within a brief period, thereby being imprinted with a preferential immune response to that antigen. This phenomenon, called original antigenic sin or immune imprinting, has caused COVID-19 vaccine recipients to become more susceptible to contracting COVID-19. In addition, antibody-dependent enhancement of infection is also known; antibodies produced by vaccination may rather promote viral infection and symptoms. On the other hand, it has also been suggested that repeated administration of genetic vaccines may result in immune tolerance because of a class switch to non-inflammatory immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4), whereby the immune system of the recipient does not mount an excessive response such as cytokine storm, and case reports of IgG4-related disease have begun to appear. This raises concern that alterations in immune function due to immune imprinting and immunoglobulin class switching to IgG4 may also occur in genetic vaccine recipients. This may increase the risk of serious illness due to opportunistic infections or pathogenic viruses that would not normally be a problem if the immune system were normal… It is not actually known how long the vaccine components remain in the body after a person has received a genetic vaccine, but it is expected that they will remain in the body for a longer period than originally thought, in part because spike protein has been detected in the bodies of people several months after vaccination.”
The authors go on to deduce that it is a risky proposition to continue allowing unvaccinated patients to receive the blood of the vaccinated, especially since no mechanism exists to remove the toxic spike protein from donated blood (in section six they discuss the need for such a technology to be developed). They also suggest a more robust record-keeping practice be put in place immediately that would document if and when those donating blood were vaccinated, or if they experienced long COVID after their initial infection. These scientists also believe that as “the residual status of spike protein or modified gene fragments derived from genetic vaccines is currently unknown, it will be necessary in the future to include measurement of these amounts in routine health checkups. It is also necessary to include a section in the routine medical checkup questionnaire to check genetic vaccination status and the number of vaccinations to obtain an overall picture of the residual status of spike proteins in the blood. This is because a variety of conditions following genetic vaccination involve thrombosis and immunological conditions. Therefore, abnormalities in blood components related to these events should also be analyzed. On the other hand, when exosomes collected from vaccine recipients were administered to mice that had not been vaccinated with the genetic vaccine, the spike protein was transmitted. Therefore, it cannot be denied that the spike protein and its modified genes can be transmitted through exosomes. For this reason, we suggest that full testing be done initially, regardless of genetic vaccination status, and that a cohort study be conducted to quickly capture the full picture.”
The authors conclude the study by writing in part, “Finally, we would like to state that if we continue to use genetic vaccines… there will be further risks like those described in this review. It should also be stressed that the issues discussed here are matters that pertain to all organ transplants, including bone marrow transplants, and not just blood products. The impact of these genetic vaccines on blood products and the actual damage caused by them are unknown at present. Therefore, in order to avoid these risks and prevent further expansion of blood contamination and complication of the situation, we strongly request that the vaccination campaign using genetic vaccines be suspended and that a harm-benefit assessment be carried out as early as possible… As we have repeatedly stated, the health injuries caused by genetic vaccination are already extremely serious, and it is high time that countries and relevant organizations take concrete steps together to identify the risks and to control and resolve them.”
Update (4/16/24): During an interview with political commentator Matt Baker on the Alex Jones Show, he shared a story about his wife, who is anemic (the story begins at the 146:10 mark of the linked video). After holding out for a while and refusing a blood transfusion out of fear of having vaccinated blood put into her, the need eventually became too great and she had no choice but to have it done. Immediately after the procedure she felt better, and they thought maybe she got a “softer dose” of spike proteins because they were received via a transfusion and not directly injected into the body in the form of an mRNA jab. As time went on, her anemia progressed and became chronic, and she needed transfusions more regularly. After two or three subsequent transfusions, she developed a bad case of pericarditis, which eventually caused her to be hospitalized for 26 days and fitted with a pericardial drain… and then a second (at this point he holds up a picture of one of the bags the fluid was draining into to show the clots that were coming out of her). Out of the more than ten doctors they interacted with during the course of her stay, two acknowledged that her injury may have, in fact, been caused by receiving spike protein-tainted blood. Baker would later learn about an agency called SafeBlood that – according to their website – is “revolutionizing blood donation by connecting Covid-19 unvaccinated blood donors with those in their own communities who need blood transfusions.” First unvaccinated dating sites and now this? What will the Purebloods think of next?
Graphic taken from the linked study
- The documentary “Epidemic of Fraud” (backup) premiers online. The two-hour presentation centers on hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and how it was suppressed to pave the way for the COVID clot shots. Produced and directed by former XiNN journalist John Davidson, the film gets into how fraudulent HCQ studies were conducted to prevent doctors from prescribing it to their patients early in the pandemic, how the media manipulated and brainwashed the public into believing it was a dangerous drug, the corruption and conflicts of interest at the FDA and NIH, and how Remdesivir became the COVID treatment protocol despite the fact it’s toxic garbage. This is the perfect film to share with anyone who still doesn’t understand how badly we were scammed and abused by the medical establishment during the pandemic.
- Four years ago today, schools in NYC, Long Island and Westchester County closed their doors and abandoned their students. This was just days after now-former NYC mayor Bill de Blasio said coronavirus posed “very little threat.”
- Reuters reports the European Commission has proposed “easing of a series of [green] rules” that have sparked protests among farmers throughout Europe. The concessions include “offering farmers more flexibility in heeding mainly environmental rules, such as to protect peat land, limit water pollution and soil erosion, while continuing to benefit from EU agriculture fund payments. For example, farmers will be able to get more financial support for keeping a share of their land non-productive, such as with hedges or trees, to improve biodiversity. Also check out this short video report from Jon Bowne titled, “The Farm Wars.”
March 18 – The Supreme Court hears oral arguments (transcript) in the case of Murthy v. Missouri (formerly known as Biden v. Missouri). The case centers around the issue of government censorship and whether the federal government broke the law when they pressured social media companies to censor speech that went against their baseless COVID narrative (or questioned the results of the stolen 2020 election). During the hearing, the government argued – via attorney Brian Fletcher – that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals erred by mistaking “persuasion for coercion,” and that “government speech crosses the line into coercion only if… it conveys a threat of adverse government action.” The hearing is 102 minutes and well worth taking the time to listen to. For my 3-page breakdown of the hearing click here.
- The war on farmers hits Oregon under the guise of increased water restrictions. Also see this.
March 19 – Former president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has been indicted “for 1st time” by the leftist regime of the current president election thief Lula da Silva for allegedly falsifying his COVID-19 vax status. If convicted, Bolsonaro could spend up to 12 years behind bars. In recent years, communist filth the world over have been stealing elections and subsequently behaving – well, like communist filth. The similarities between the way former president Trump and former president Bolsonaro – both of whom had elections blatantly stolen from them – are being treated by the illegitimate officials who ousted them is uncanny to say the least. Since the COVID clot shots were first rolled out in late 2020, Bolsonaro has been outspoken about his unwillingness to take the jab. Remember that time he was forced to eat a slice of pizza on a New York City sidewalk because the segregationists running the city were requiring people to show their vax papers to enter restaurants and other businesses? Despite the lawfare attacks being launched by Lula’s corrupt regime, Brazilians have come out in force (also see this) to support Bolsonaro in the face of the ongoing political persecution… the same way thinking people in America maintain their support for Donald Trump. For Reuters version of the story, click here.
An unvaxxed Bolsonaro eating pizza on a NYC sidewalk in September of 2021
March 21 – White House reporter for the Associated Presstitutes, Seung Min Kim, takes to Twitter to repeat one of the lies China Joe frequently uses to deceive his low-info supporters. Kim Tweeted, “During a fundraiser in Houston, while on a riff about Trump’s handling of covid-19, @JoeBiden asks the donor crowd: ‘Remember when he said inject bleach?’ After some chuckles, Biden continues: ‘I think he must’ve done it.’ Crowd erupts in laughter.” I bet they did, but there’s nothing funny about a supposedly credible reporter repeating this thoroughly-debunked lie. Interestingly, Kim Tweeted a “fact-check” article about the “full context” of Trump’s comment 10 minutes later, though he failed to make Biden’s misrepresentation the main focus. As I pointed out back on April 24-25, 2020, President Trump was referring to the injection of UV light into the lungs via a technology being developed at the time by AYTU Bioscience. Update (3/23/24): China Joe repeats the same lie (beginning at the 31:06 mark) during a propaganda event with Barack Obama and Nasty Pelosi to celebrate the 14-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).
- The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic holds another hearing on “Assessing America’s Vaccine Safety Systems” (see February 15th for part one). The witnesses for the majority included Professor of Pediatrics at UCLA Dr. Patrick Whelan, Doctor of Pharmacy and Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation David Gortler, and Director of the Vaccine Injury Litigation Clinic at George Washington University Renée Gentry. The sole witness for the minority, Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, is the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases for the Department of Pediatrics at Stanford University. Gortler’s opening statement was particularly good and begins at the 45:35 mark of the linked video. Overall, the hearing was uneventful and exactly what you would expect… The majority and their witnesses brought up valid concerns, while ranking member Raul Ruiz and the minority witness downplayed those concerns and repeated Big Pharma talking points (safe and effective, saved millions of lives, correlation does not mean causation – all the usual stuff). To be honest, there are plenty of better ways to spend two hours of your time.
- reports eight leftist-run US states are planning to completely ban gas-powered cars over the next decade. As unrealistic and unnecessary as that may seem to normal people, California, Oregon, Washington, New York, New Jersey, Maskachussetts, Maryland and Rhode Island are going ahead with it anyway. Several other states including Colorado, Vermont and New Mexico are considering similar policies. These people aren’t just dopey hypocrites, they’re dangerous. Also see this.
- The FDA finally settles the 2022 lawsuit filed by three doctors over the use of ivermectin to treat COVID. According to Snoozeweek, “The FDA and the doctors reached a settlement… that stipulates the FDA will retire a Consumer update titled, ‘Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19.’ The FDA also will delete and not republish posts to Twitter (now X), LinkedIn and Facebook that read: ‘You are not a horse. Your are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.’ Also, it will delete and not republish an Instagram post reading: ‘You are not a horse. Stop it with the #ivermectin. It’s not authorized for treating #COVID,’ as well as a Twitter post that reads, ‘Hold your horses, y’all. Ivermectin may be trending, but it isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19.’ …The FDA had already retired a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section that was at issue in the lawsuit. The FDA said that all of the posts and other materials will be removed within 21 days then archived, as required by law.” The government not only lied about the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID, but fought tooth and nail for years to maintain their ability to lie about it. Let that sink in.
March 22 – A study is published at medRxiv titled, “Improved diagnosis of COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis with cardiac scarring identified by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging.” According to the authors, this was the largest such study to date (though still relatively small) with the longest follow-up period as the average time from vaccination to cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) was 18 months. The study found “that the incidence of persistent myocardial fibrosis is high, seen in almost a third of patients at >12 months post diagnosis, which could have implications for the management and prognosis of this predominantly young cohort… [the] findings highlight the critical role played by CMR in the diagnosis and risk-stratification of this condition. Without CMR, almost a third of patients were misclassified as probable rather than definite myocarditis… incidence of LGE [late gadolinium enhancement] was high, seen in 30% of the total cohort. The long-term clinical implications of LGE in this condition are as yet unknown, but LGE has been demonstrated to confer worse prognosis in non-COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis, especially if it persists beyond six months. Furthermore, a study of 222 patients with biopsy-proven myocarditis identified that LGE on CMR was the strongest predictor of long-term mortality… identification of LGE on CMR in patients with a history of COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis should at a minimum prompt regular clinical review, to allow for periodic monitoring for arrhythmias and deterioration in cardiac function… Almost a third of patients (28%) who were originally diagnosed with probable myocarditis were found to have persistent LGE on CMR, resulting in reclassification to definite myocarditis. As such, clinical evaluation without CMR may lead to underestimation of long-term risk through failure to identify potentially prognostically significant LGE. We would assert that on the basis of our findings, echocardiographic evaluation alone in a resource-available setting is insufficient in the diagnostic work up of COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis… even longer-term follow up studies are required to define the prognostic significance of LGE in this condition… In conclusion, long-term myocardial fibrosis is a common finding in patients with COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis.”
In response to the study, Dr. Peter McCullough expressed concern about the fact that “47% of this small sample had persistently abnormal MRI scans far more than a year after the initial diagnosis of vaccine damage. These patients may have permanently scarred hearts by COVID-19 vaccination and could have a lifetime of worry about severe outcomes years into the future.” According to McCullough, heart scarring is dangerous “because it puts the patient at risk for two late complications: 1) malignant arrhythmias and cardiac arrest, 2) development of dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure.”
March 25 – A judge in Calgary rules in favor of a 27-year-old woman with autism seeking to use Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program to end her life. In his written ruling, Justice Colin Feasby said in part, “An injunction would deny MV the right to choose between living or dying with dignity. Further, an injunction would put MV in a position where she would be forced to choose between living a life she has decided is intolerable and ending her life without medical assistance. This is a terrible choice that should not be forced on MV, as attempting to end her life without medical assistance would put her at increased risk of pain, suffering and lasting injury.” In acknowledging the impact MV’s voluntary death would have on her parents Feasby wrote, “The pain of losing a child, even an adult child, is not something that any parent should experience. They have devoted their lives to raising MV from birth and have continued to support her since she has come of age. They will understandably be devastated by her death. For many parents, the loss of a child is a life-changing event that they never truly recover from. The loss is immeasurable.” MV has already received approval from two physicians to end her own life, as is required by law. Despite ruling in favor of MV, Feasby’s decision has been stayed for 30 days so her family can decide whether or not to file an appeal.
March 28 – The Tennessee State Senate passes legislation that would require any food “that contains a vaccine or vaccine material” to be classified as a drug. The law already passed the State’s House of Representatives back on March 7th and is now ready to be signed into law by Governor Bill Lee. Update (4/22/24): The bill is signed into law.
March 29 – A study is published at JAMA titled, “Reports of COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events in Predominantly Republican vs Democratic States.” The study found “that the more states were inclined to vote Republican, the more likely their vaccine recipients or their clinicians reported COVID-19 vaccine AEs [adverse events]. These results suggest that either the perception of vaccine AEs or the motivation to report them was associated with political inclination.” The “discussion” section of the study puts the findings slightly differently, stating “the more states were inclined to vote Republican in the 2020 US presidential election, the more likely their vaccine recipients or clinicians were to report COVID-19 vaccine AEs. This association between political inclination and vaccine AE reporting was not seen for the influenza vaccine. The results are consistent with a relative overreporting of vaccine AEs among Republicans or a relative underreporting among Democrats.” The study ultimately concluded, “The association between observation and belief runs both ways. The adage ‘seeing is believing’ recognizes that our individual experiences inform our sense of truth, and ‘believing is seeing’ recognizes that our preconceptions modulate what we experience in the first place. In finding that Republican-inclined states show higher COVID-19 AE reporting than Democrat-inclined states, this study suggests that Republicans are more likely to perceive or report those AEs and that Democrats are less likely to.” Are these researchers suggesting people should refuse to believe their own lying eyes? While most scientists – and really people in general – would likely have the desire to believe there is an innocent explanation for these disparities, perhaps chalking it up to some type of “perception” problem, or maybe an issue with how these adverse events are being reported, I lean towards a more nefarious reason – an intentional attack based on political affiliation. And since Republicans are being injured and killed at considerably higher rates, I will have to assume the Democrats – the self-declared party of science – are the ones doing the attacking…
Back on April 16th, 2022, I made an entry into the timeline based on adverse reaction data presented by state at I listed the top 25 states for vaccine injuries and took note of the fact that “almost all of the blue states that are high on the… list experienced a troubling level of election fraud in 2020 and should rightfully be considered red states.” When this information is considered in conjunction with the findings of a Danish study published in March of 2023 (I wrote a breakdown about it on June 28th, 2023), where the “blue batches” accounted for 10% of all COVID vaccine injuries and 50% of COVID vaccine deaths in Denmark, the possibility for intentionality becomes quite real. Do I think it’s possible that red counties in red states are the target of a biological attack that utilizes harmful mRNA “vaccines” as a weapon? You betcha.
State by state adverse event data presented at the How Bad Is My Batch website
Scatter plot contained in the aforementioned Danish study
- During the monologue segment of HBO’s Real Time, Bill Maher speaks openly about the COVID saga, and the fact that many of the supposed “experts” got just about everything wrong over the last four years. Maher said in part, “I get it that we didn’t know exactly what was happening at the beginning of COVID, and some mistakes were inevitable. But four years on, I’m tired of hearing, ‘Well, we didn’t know.’ No, we didn’t. But some people guessed better than others. The people who got it wrong don’t seem to want to acknowledge that now. Some people said closing schools for so long was pointless and would cause much worse collateral damage to the kids, and they were right… Four years ago, The Daily Beast ran a story with the headline, ‘Bill Maher Pushes Steve Bannon Wuhan Lab Conspiracy Theory,’ which was typical of the mainstream media at the time. Of course, it wasn’t a conspiracy theory, and it wasn’t owned by Steve Bannon. Now everyone, including the Biden administration, admits there’s at least a 50/50 chance that the virus could have begun in the lab in Wuhan that was doing gain-of-function research on that virus… But I don’t see a lot of retractions being printed. Yeah, when COVID hit, we did a lot of stupid things. Because America never reacts. It only overreacts… We washed the mail. We played baseball in front of cardboard cutouts. And ate in parking lots or with inflatable dolls? They closed the ocean. We banged pots and pans to show our love for nurses and our hatred for people trying to get a baby to sleep. For two years, we had to get nostril fucked every time we left the house. Serious people talked about having sex through glory holes – and if you don’t know what a glory hole is, I wouldn’t look into it. We were told to wash our hands every five minutes and don’t ever touch your face, and if you absolutely must go to the beach for the sake of all that, totally wear a mask. Outside? Because the last thing you would want to do when a disease is afoot is get fresh air and sunshine and vitamin D. No, much better to stay locked up, stressed out, and day drinking. And if you do get COVID, remember, natural immunity is always the worst kind. So even if you’ve had the disease, you need a shot. Yes, some very bad ideas were embraced as the conventional wisdom – ideas that haven’t aged well. And a lot of dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be correct… So where’s the COVID commission? Because it seems to me we haven’t learned a thing… Gain of function research is still going on in labs… We handed out $4 trillion of free money – $280 billion of which was just flat-out stolen in what the AP called the greatest grift in US history, and which started an inflationary spiral that we now blame on Biden. So we’re going to bring back Trump, the guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check?” I’d imagine Trump picked up more than his fair share of dinner checks over the years… Moreover, go back and read this timeline starting at 2019/2020 – Trump didn’t ignore anything. That’s the problem with guys like Bill Maher, even when they decide to tell you a little truth, it’s always a day late, a dollar short and way more partisan than it needs to be. Where were these sentiments during the pandemic, Bill? They were nowhere, and that’s because you were afraid to step out of line just like everyone else in the mainstream media.
March 30 – Peter Imanuelsen reports the public prosecutor of Italy has opened an investigation into the death of an 18-year-old girl who died after receiving a COVID “vaccine.” On March 15th, 2021, Italy put a pause on using AstraZeneca’s “vaccine” because it was causing blood clots. Days later, they reauthorized its use, eventually recommending it only be given to people over the age of 60. In a mad push to get everyone “vaccinated” – and perhaps to use up the supply of AstraZeneca “vaccines” they already purchased – the Italian government began holding “open day” events where anyone over the age of 18 could receive a free clot shot. The innocent young woman who was just trying to follow the science received the jab at one of these events on May 25th, 2021 and died just weeks later on June 18th. Five doctors and medical staff involved in administering it are now under investigation.