December 2024

December 2 – The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic releases its final report. Because the document is 500 pages, and I don’t have that kind of time, I’m just providing a summary of the summary included in the accompanying press release. The subcommittee’s major findings are as follows: 1) COVID likely emerged from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and was created through gain-of-function research paid for by US tax dollars, 2) The Twerp engaged in a cover-up after the fact by pushing the narrative that COVID originated in nature, 3) EcoHealth Alliance is now being investigated by the DOJ after the committee discovered they were in violation of the terms of their NIH grant, 4) the “NIH fostered an environment that promoted evading federal record keeping laws,” 5) COVID-19 relief funding, the Paycheck Protection Program and the federal unemployment system were abused to the tune of hundreds of billions in US taxpayer money, 6) half of the money stolen through COVID relief programs was stolen by “international fraudsters,” 7) the WHO acted as China’s lapdog at the onset of the pandemic, 8) social distancing, mask mandates and lockdowns did more harm than good – especially to children, they did nothing to protect the health of Americans, and were never rooted in science, 9) NY Governor Andrew Cuomo “knowingly and willfully made false statements to the Select Subcommittee on numerous occasions” and has been recommended to the DOJ for criminal prosecution, 10) Trump’s travel restrictions saved lives despite the fake news narrative that the restrictions were xenophobic, 11) “Public health officials often spread misinformation through conflicting messaging, kneejerk reactions, and a lack of transparency,” 12) public health officials wrongfully engaged in censorship and actively prevented lawful off-label drug use to treat COVID patients, 13) the COVID “vaccines” never stopped the spread of COVID, 14) vaccine mandates were unscientific an “caused more harm than good,” 15) public health officials “engaged in a coordinated effort” to ignore natural immunity, 16) the federal government “is failing to efficiently, fairly, and transparently adjudicate claims for the COVID-19 vaccine injured,” 17) 60% of the 160,00 businesses forced to close during the pandemic will never reopen, 18) school closures were never justified and did more harm than good, 19) Biden’s CDC relied on the leftist teacher’s union and their COVID cult members for guidance on reopening schools – which ended up keeping schools closed much longer than they should have been, 20) the mental and physical health of children was severely impacted. For example, the number of suicide attempts by girls between the ages of 12-17 increased by 51%, and finally 21) the HHS obstructed the subcommittee’s investigative efforts, as did EcoHealth Alliance, The Twerp’s senior advisor David Morens, and the State of New York.

So to review: all of the people I have been covering and writing about in this timeline over the past several years have been 100% correct. The only disagreement I have with the subcommittee’s findings is their obligatory support for the vaccine, the false belief that it “saved millions of lives,” and their praise for Operation Warp Speed. I think it’s fair to say, in light of this report, that if the government – at all levels – did absolutely nothing in response to the pandemic we would have all fared much better. Not only did our own government mentally, physically and financially harm countless people, they undermined our country’s most sacred principles to do it. Make sure you let that sink in.

December 3 – Vaccine zealot and Fauci wanna-be, Peter Hotez, makes an appearance (2:18 mark) on MSDNC’s “Deadline: White House” program with Democrat party propagandist Nicole Wallace to fear monger about all the supposed health threats our country will face come January 21st – Trump’s first day in office. Hotez – the same guy who turned down $2.5M towards the charity of his choice to debate RFK on vaccines – told Wallace, “We have some big picture stuff coming down the pike starting on January 21st. Mr. Bloomberg mentioned H5N1, that I’m really worried about. It’s all over wild birds on the western part of the United States and going up in the north. It’s getting into the poultry. We’re seeing sporadic human cases, no human-to-human transmission yet, but that could happen [they’re probably cooking it up right now]. It’s in the cattle, it’s in the milk, and that’s just the beginning. We have another major coronavirus likely brewing in Asia. We’ve had SARS in 2002, SARS-2 COVID-19 in 2019 [sic], and we know these viruses are jumping from bats to people thousands of times a year, but there’s still more. We know that we have a big problem with mosquito-transmitted viruses all along the gulf coast where I am here in Texas so we’re expecting Dengue, and possibly Zika virus coming back, or Oropouche virus, maybe even yellow fever. And there’s more. Then we have all the sharp rise in vaccine-preventable diseases going up because of, in part, the anti-vaccine activism that’s so prominent right now. We have a five-fold rise in pertussis cases, whooping cough over the last year, 15 measles outbreaks this year, we’ve got polio that’s been in the wastewater in NY state. All that’s gonna come crashing down on January 21st on the Trump administration. We need a really really good team to be able to handle this.” Was Hotez going for the all-time record for how much bullshit can be crammed into 90 seconds? I mean, wow. Make no mistake, Wallace and the other MSM pigs will be going ahead full throttle hyping these various “threats” come January 21st. Medical emergencies are certainly shaping up to be one of the ways the death cult will try to derail the second Trump administration.

  • A peer-reviewed study is published in the Public Health Policy Journal titled, “BioNTech RNA-Based COVID-19 Injections Contain Large Amounts Of Residual DNA Including An SV40 Promoter/Enhancer Sequence.” Researchers used a series of experiments to answer three specific questions: 1) “can the large amount of residual DNA in BioNTech lots and even plasmids identified in Pfizer lots be confirmed on BioNTech only lots (BNT162b2, Comirnaty) distributed in Germany by different comparable DNA detection methods?” 2) “can residual plasmids or DNA fragments, if present, be efficiently transfected into human cells together with the coding modRNA?” and 3) “can these biologicals induce continued cellular expression of spike protein thus creating long-term foci for immune attack?” Based on the fact they “obtained positive results on all issues,” the researchers express serious concerns about the continued use of these experimental injections. Their conclusion reads, “We demonstrated that transfection of the human cell line HEK293 with four different BNT162b2 lots results in the production of spike proteins over several days, which are released into the cell supernatant via exosomes. We detected residual plasmid-DNA in all vials at concentrations far exceeding the allowed EMA limit of 0.33 ng dsDNA per 1 mg RNA. We identified all plasmid genes as well as the two copies of the SV40 promoter/enhancer element. The DNA was shown to enter and persist in the cells. Already before the start of the governmental vaccination campaign, physicians and scientists pointed out that serious adverse events would be triggered by the gene-based agents. In the meantime, the spectrum of adverse side events has become so multifaceted that the term ‘spikeopathy’ has been created to denote the new disease complex. The eternal dangers of all RNA biologicals are 4-fold: First, modRNA encoding any foreign protein will trigger detrimental autoimmune reactions. Second, the lipid nanoparticles are themselves highly toxic. Third, residual plasmid-DNA and reverse transcribed mRNA will genetically modify cells. Fourth, replacement of uridine in natural mRNA by N1-methyl-pseudouridine in synthetic modRNA causes +1 ribosomal frameshifting resulting in haphazard production of utterly alien proteins. Our results confirm and extend published reports and raise grave concerns regarding the safety of the BNT162b2 vaccine. We call for an immediate halt of all RNA-based biologicals until these concerns are scientifically addressed and convincingly dispelled.”
  • Project Veritas publishes an undercover video of EPA advisor, Brent Efron, admitting the agency’s “insurance policy against Trump winning” has been to throw “$50B for climate things” at various “non-profits, states and tribes” over the past year. At one point Efron said, “it’s like we’re on the Titanic and we’re throwing gold bars off the edge.” The logic is simple, if money goes to “things” not associated with the federal government, Trump won’t be able to put an end to it when he gets into office. It’s just one bamboozle after another with these leftists. Update (2/12/25): New EPA director Lee Zeldin takes to Twitter to let the American people know his agency has found the gold bars. Zeldin said in part, “[a]n extremely disturbing video circulated two months ago featuring a Biden EPA political appointee talking about how they were ‘tossing gold bars off the Titanic,’ rushing to get billions of your tax dollars out the door before Inauguration Day. The ‘gold bars’ were tax dollars, and ‘tossing them off the Titanic’ meant the Biden administration knew they were wasting it… Fortunately, my awesome team at the EPA has found the gold bars. Shockingly, roughly $20 billion of your tax dollars were parked at an outside financial institution by the Biden EPA. This scheme was the first of its kind in EPA history and it was purposely designed to obligate all of the money in a rush job with reduced oversight. Even further, this pot of $20 billion was awarded to just 8 entities that were then responsible for doling out your money to NGOs and others at their discretion with far less transparency. Just under $7 billion was sent to one entity called the Climate United Fund… The financial agent agreement with the bank needs to be instantly terminated and the bank must immediately return all the gold bars that the Biden Administration tossed off the Titanic. EPA needs to assume responsibility of all these funds. We will review every penny that has gone out the door. I will be referring this matter to the inspector general’s office and will work with the Justice Department as well.” Update 2 (2/15/25): After informing the American people yesterday about terminating $60M worth of DEI and environmental justice contracts, Zeldin is back at it today letting us know he is canceling $600K worth of media subscriptions, including a Politico membership that was costing us nearly $460K per year. How is this not money laundering?? Update 3 (2/19/25): The Washington Free Beacon reports the newly-formed Department of Government Efficiency has discovered $2B worth of gold bars went to a “nonprofit” called Power Forward Communities, a group linked to failed GA gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams through another taxpayer boondoggle called Rewiring America. According to the linked article, “Power Forward Communities received the green energy grant despite the fact that it was founded months earlier in late 2023 and never managed anywhere near the grant’s dollar figure – it reported just $100 in total revenue during its first three months in operation, according to its latest tax filings.” It never ends with these people…

December 4 – Daily Clout (DC) publishes a letter sent by Jeyanthi Kunadhasan, an Aussie doctor and one of the DC volunteers poring through the data Pfizer was forced to release to the public, to Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach. The purpose of the letter was to make Kobach aware of Pfizer’s failure to disclose two deaths that occurred in the vaccinated arm of the company’s COVID vaccine trial, which would have brought the total in that arm of the study to four – the same number of deaths that occurred in the placebo arm. Both of the undisclosed deaths “presented a cardiac event signal,” and since one of the people who died was from Kansas, Kunadhasan rightfully notified Kobach about the discovery. After initially giving Pfizer the benefit of the doubt by assuming they were simply unaware of these deaths when the DC team first discovered them, “the September 2023 Pfizer-BioNTech data released by the FDA… included information showing that Pfizer-BioNTech was, in fact, informed of two additional deaths in the BNT162b2 arm of the trial well before the EUA data cutoff and that those deaths were not disclosed to the FDA. If the additional two deaths had been disclosed at the time of the EUA, it would have shown that the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID vaccine intervention provided no reduction in deaths.” Instead, the falsified data showed a 50% reduction in mortality, and helped pave the way to the company receiving an emergency use authorization for their garbage clot shots. This is another example of why Pfizer and the FDA wanted to keep this information buried for 75 years… I can only hope the amazing work being done by the tireless volunteers at Daily Clout pays dividends, and at least a few of these fraudsters end up in the clink.

December 6 – A federal judge rules the FDA must disclose more of the information they used to justify authorizing the use of the COVID clot shots. Specifically, the agency must turn over their “emergency use authorization” (EUA) file to a group of scientists who want to see the data used to underpin the FDA’s decision… Another positive development in a case that began back in 2021, a case where the FDA notoriously claimed they wouldn’t be able to fully release their data for several decades. In his ruling, Judge Mark Pittman wrote in part, “The briefing of the Parties makes clear that there is only one issue remaining in this case – whether the EUA file is responsive to Plaintiff’s FOIA request and must be produced. For the reasons set out below, the Court finds that it is… The FDA argues that the EUA file does not fall within Plaintiff’s FOIA request because the BLA [biologics license application] and EUA are separate applications that are subject to different standards and, thus, a FOIA request for one does not necessitate production of the other… While the FDA is correct that the two applications are distinct, it is evident to the Court that in this case, the EUA is disclosable data as requested by Plaintiff… The FDA argues that its statement is insufficient to establish that the ‘data and information’ from the EUA was ‘submitted with or incorporated by reference’ in the Pfizer Vaccine’s BLA because ‘the language merely alludes to the EUA file, and does not specifically identify any particular records from the EUA file that a reviewer intended to incorporate into their review of the BLA…’ Similarly, the FDA argues that the EUA is does [sic] not fall within the definition of ‘other related submissions.’ The Court disagrees… The Covid-19 pandemic is long passed and so has any legitimate reason for concealing from the American people the information relied upon by the government in approving the Pfizer Vaccine.” The fact the FDA is still spending millions of dollars fighting the release of data they used to authorize the use of a supposedly “safe and effective” product should tell you everything you need to know about this captured regulatory agency.

December 7 – A study is published in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research titled, “Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals.” According to Nicholas Hulscher, a Master of Public Health and a prolific writer at the Courageous Discourse Substack, “the study found that women with daily close proximity (within 6 feet) to vaccinated individuals outside their household had a 34% higher risk of heavier bleeding, a 28% higher risk of menstruation starting over 7 days early, and a 26% higher risk of bleeding lasting more than 7 days. The scientific plausibility for these findings is supported by several key observations, which are discussed in the manuscript: 1) Timing Consistency with Shedding Studies: 68.4% of respondents reported symptoms within one week of being near a vaccinated individual, with 48.6% experiencing symptoms within 3 days or the same day, aligning with the FDA’s guidance on vaccine shedding timelines. 2) Prolonged Presence of Vaccine Components: The detection of mRNA fragments and spike protein in vaccinated individuals’ blood for extended periods (up to 187 days) provides evidence of prolonged circulation of potential transmissible components. 3) Documented Excretion Pathways: Established pathways for the excretion of lipid nanoparticles and spike protein, including saliva, sweat, breast milk, and potentially exhalation, provide mechanisms for environmental transmission. 4) Alignment with Previous Studies: Similar menstrual irregularities, such as heavier bleeding and prolonged cycles, have been documented in vaccinated individuals, reinforcing the relevance of these findings in unvaccinated individuals. 5) Potential Mechanisms of Action: The cytotoxic and estrogen-receptor-modulating properties of the spike protein, along with known inflammatory and autoimmune responses to vaccines, offer biologically plausible mechanisms for these observed effects.”

The researchers concluded, “…there has been a growing volume of scientific literature reporting adverse effects of exposure to COVID-19 mRNA gene therapies. Unvaccinated women have been sharing personal stories of adverse health effects after exposure to vaccinated individuals, such as heavier menstrual bleeding than usual, early menses, and extended menstrual bleeding. This observational study found that women with no direct COVID-19 vaccine or SARS-CoV-2 exposure seemed to be having menstrual abnormalities similar to those reported by the vaccinated population. Our findings suggest possible indirect transmission of ingredients or products of the COVID-19 vaccines, presumably through shedding, from people who received one or more of the COVID-19 injections. Aside from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, several new mRNA-based vaccines are now in clinical trials. Our findings support the need for shedding studies for current and future gene therapy products, as detailed in the 2015 FDA guidance.” Hulscher concludes his breakdown by asking, “Why didn’t our regulatory agencies conduct shedding studies before mass product rollout?” I think I know the answer to that one, Nick. It’s because adequate testing of these products would have prevented them from coming to market, and Big Pharma – along with their lackeys in the regulatory agencies – needed to get them approved as fast as possible in order to cash-in on the hysteria they created… (But I’m pretty sure he already knows that). Update (12/16/24): Hulscher breaks down the results of a study released a week-and-a-half ago titled, “Protection From COVID-19 Vaccination and Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Children Aged 6 Months-4 Years, United States, September 2022-April 2023.” Unsurprisingly, the data shows “these injections do the opposite of what they’re supposed to do. Instead of protecting against COVID-19, these genetic injections either fail or increase the risk.” For the rest of the details click here.

December 9 – Throughout the plannedemic, the death cult-run government of Australia failed their citizens time and time again, whether it was through vaccine requirements, travel restrictions or unscientific mitigations measures such as masking and lockdowns. Well, that trend is now continuing into 2025… According to Homelessness Australia, there has been “a 22% increase in people experiencing rough sleeping [another term for homelessness] in the three years to 2023-24, nationwide. In New South Wales, rough sleeping has surged by 51% since 2020, largely driven by an increase in regional communities… The threat of homelessness now looms for a broader swathe of the population, including more employed Australians… with the proportion of employed persons among those receiving homelessness services having increased from 10.9% to 15.3% over the five years to 2022-23.” 

Section 1.2 of the accompanying policy report begins, “The COVID-19 emergency is generally understood to have ended in early 2022. But pandemic-related economic and demographic disruption relevant to housing and homelessness has continued to reverberate through to 2024. In particular… rental markets have continued to run extraordinarily hot during this period. Although the Federal Government has increased Commonwealth Rent Assistance (CRA) in the past two years, this situation has, nonetheless, placed immense pressure on lower income Australians reliant on rental housing. This has led to increasing homelessness and to the growing incidence of homeless people sleeping in cars… or occupying ‘tent cities.’” Section 2.3 reads in part, “The differential economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic across Australia are apparent in 2020-21 rent trends for the five main capital cities. Unlike the other cities, Sydney and Melbourne saw significant city-wide reductions in median advertised rents during 2020 in relation to both houses and apartments… The especially marked impacts in these two cities likely reflect their greater vulnerability to the two-year international border closure. This refers to [the] disproportionately large role of Sydney and Melbourne in accommodating overseas students, working holiday visa holders and other new migrants – groups that traditionally form substantial rental housing demand components in Australia.” 

Section 2.7 also mentions the plannedemic, but only to make excuses and minimize the government’s culpability for the country’s surge in homelessness… The section begins, “The disruptive economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath have importantly included a 2020-24 boom in both house prices and rents, as seen across most parts of Australia. Especially concerning in relation to homelessness has been the spike in rental prices associated with the exceptionally low vacancy rates recorded during this period. While this will have led to deteriorating rental affordability for low-income tenant populations, low vacancy rates are also likely to act as a direct contributor to homelessness, through their impact on dwelling availability. Importantly, however, recently worsening rental affordability for low-income earners cannot be solely attributed to the pandemic. Certainly, the problem has been aggravated by the public health crisis during this period. But data for Australia as a whole… demonstrates that this in fact represents only the continuation of a longer running trend.” Maybe instead of destroying people’s lives with all the COVID tyranny the dirtbags running Australia should have been trying to get out in front of this problem.

December 11 – HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra extends the PREP Act liability protection given to the Big Pharma clot shot producers through December 31, 2029. With RFK Jr. set to have a substantial role in the second Trump administration, the Democrats are doing whatever they can to shield their partners in crime from accountability.

  • A study is published in Cell Host & Microbe titled, “Persistence of spike protein at the skull-meninges-brain axis may contribute to the neurological sequelae of COVID-19.” The discussion section of the study reads in part, “long-term complications of COVID-19 remain a major public health concern, and the long-lasting brain fog and significant brain tissue loss make it imperative to explore the mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-induced brain damage. Increased plasma cytokine levels, blood-brain barrier disruption, and reactivation of latent herpesviruses have been correlated with cognitive symptoms associated with long COVID. The persistence of spike protein is also reported in patient plasma and immune cells, suggesting that the prolonged symptoms post-COVID-19 could stem from the enduring presence of viral proteins, alongside sustained systemic inflammation. Here, using tissue clearing and imaging, we detected spike protein in skull, meninges, and brain samples from acute COVID-19 patients and reported the persistence in post-mortem brain samples that were PCR negative for the virus, which may explain some aspects of COVID-19 symptoms… We found that the spike protein alone induced a broad spectrum of proteome changes in the mouse skull marrow, meninges, and brain that are similar to those observed in COVID-19 patients and that the isolated effects of the spike protein on the nervous system caused anxiety-like behavior without memory deficits… While these findings do not support the direct induction of clinical neurological symptoms by the spike protein, they suggest the long-term consequences of spike protein-induced inflammation and dysfunctional signaling in the brain. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the impact of spike protein on the brain and its association with other neurological diseases. Our data also suggest a mechanism for the virus’s entry into the central nervous system. In both mouse and COVID-19 human tissues, we found spike protein in the SMCs [skull-meninges connections], which the virus or virus components could use to travel from the skull marrow to the meninges and the brain parenchyma. Brain entry of virus-shed spike protein has previously been found in some COVID-19 cases and has been linked to a compromised blood-brain barrier or trafficking along the olfactory or vagus nerve. More data will be needed to establish the relative contribution of the different routes of brain invasion by SARS-CoV-2 and its spike protein, which might differ between different parts of the brain. Systemic hyperinflammation has previously been observed in multiple organs during autopsies of COVID-19 cases. Our molecular analysis suggests activation of immune response in the skull-meninges-brain axis, potentially via recruiting and increasing the activity of neutrophils similar to what has been reported in the respiratory tract. In the skull marrow and meninges, the upregulation of proteins involved in neutrophil degranulation may be linked with a process known as NETosis to contain the infection. NETs could further propagate the inflammation, potentially inducing tissue damage, including endothelium damage, leading to pathologies such as thrombosis and alterations in the coagulation process, as alterations in such processes are found in lung tissue and plasma of COVID-19 patients.”

December 12 – TIME Magazine names Donald Trump 2024 Person of the Year. While this is undoubtedly an honor, the accompanying article is teeming with backhanded comments and very questionable interpretations of recent historical events… Here are just a few examples: 1) to describe Trump’s “political rebirth,” Democrat party propagandist Eric Cortelessa writes in part, “[h]is first term ended in disgrace, with attempts to overturn the 2020 election results culminating in the attack on the U.S. Capitol. He was shunned by most party officials when he announced his candidacy in late 2022 amid multiple criminal investigations,” 2) Cortelessa claims – without evidence – Trump will “seek revenge against his political adversaries,” 3) He also claims – without evidence – Trump has proven to have the ability to “surf to power” by using “divisive rhetoric, including racist and xenophobic attacks,” 4) a caption under a picture of the J6 riot described Trump supporters as a “pro-Trump mob,” 5) after claiming Trump’s mass-deportation plan would be a financial burden on taxpayers (as if paying to put illegals up in hotels while providing them with just about everything else they need is not a burden on taxpayers), Cortelessa writes, “[t]hat’s before factoring in the social and psychological costs to watching friends and neighbors rounded up and removed from their communities,” and finally, 6) Cortelessa falsely claims, “[b]y the end of Trump’s first term, voters were exhausted by the chaos, fed up with his antics, and frustrated by his mismanagement of an unprecedented global health crisis.” Hold on a sec there, Eric. Trump gained more than 11 million votes in 2020 compared to 2016, and from what I remember, countless Americans were still very enthusiastic in their support for Trump when election day came… This guy is so bitter about being all but completely irrelevant he will continue to spitefully repeat the same lies intelligent people have rejected for years. The main point is this: fake news clowns like Cortelessa believe they can lie with impunity because they think we’re ignorant morons who never look into things for ourselves, and will therefore believe anything and everything they write without question. Thankfully, those days seem to be coming to an end.

  • For this month’s installment of Death Cult Running Wild in Canada, the British Brainwashing Corporation reports, “[m]edically-assisted dying – also known as voluntary euthanasia – accounted for 4.7% of deaths in Canada in 2023, new government data shows. The country’s fifth annual report since euthanasia was legalised in 2016 showed around 15,300 people underwent assisted dying last year after being successful in their applications. The median age of this group was more than 77. The vast majority – around 96% – had a death deemed ‘reasonably foreseeable,’ due to severe medical conditions such as cancer. In the small minority of other cases, patients may not have been terminally ill, but sought an assisted death due to a long and complicated illness that had significantly impacted their quality of life… The figures released on Wednesday by Health Canada show that the rate of assisted dying in Canada increased by nearly 16% in 2023. This number is a sharp drop from the average increase of 31% in previous years. The report cautioned that it is too early to determine what caused the rate to slacken.” “Slacken”? Are these people serious?

December 15 – The People’s Voice reports the Canadian government has started arresting citizens for refusing to take government-mandated medication. The story focuses on a 36-year-old woman named Geraldine Mason who was jailed for more than 30 days for failing to consistently take her tuberculosis meds. Mason, who had no criminal history and was not infectious at the time of her arrest, was subjected to harsh treatment in jail including being confined to her cell for 20 hours a day, having limited access to the phone and being shackled during visits to the hospital. The article includes a four-minute local news cast that provides additional details.

December 16 – Jessica Hockett publishes an interesting article at her Substack titled, “New York City Spring 2020: An Unsubstantiated Mass Casualty Event That Appears Fraudulent & Staged.” If you live in NY like I do, and were able to avoid getting caught up in the COVID hysteria, something was quite peculiar about how the whole thing played out, especially in the city. As Hockett points out, during the spring of 2020 “New York City reported the biggest non-war mass casualty event in its history: a ~27,000 death increase in eleven weeks. Most of the deaths happened in one month’s time, most were blamed on a ‘novel’ coronavirus, and few have been substantiated with basic proof. A graph of New York deaths [see image below] shows nothing unusual happening until the federal government declared a national emergency and announced 15 Days to Slow the Spread. Deaths then shot up 740% in 22 days, followed by a sharp drop to normal for the rest of the year… The dramatic rise and fall is… intuitively absurd for a contagion. Equally absurd is the idea that the biggest city in America – one of the most iconic and disaster-rehearsed in the world – was somehow ‘caught off guard’ by a cold.” 

Image taken from the linked article.

Throughout the article, Hockett provides several possibilities as to how and why the COVID death data coming out of US cities like NY and Chicago, as well as cities in Italy like Lombardy and Bergamo, were manufactured or downright fraudulent. One such explanation that I have written about quite a bit in this timeline is the use of fear to induce compliance while the government destroyed America’s small business economy and wantonly killed people through intentionally destructive medical interventions like the use of ventilators and the poisonous drug Remdesivir (and before that by essentially criminalizing the off-label use of generic drugs that were proving to be effective). Making matters worse was the narrative being spun by politicians, health “experts” and the media, all of whom forced us to live lives filled with movie-like drama. In retrospect, it should be considered troubling and unacceptable that a city like NY, despite having “a massive emergency management agency, and years of preparedness activities before [and] since 9/11” was somehow caught off guard by a relatively weak virus. Hockett also mentions the use of Hart Island to bury what we were meant to believe were victims of the Wuhan Red Death, despite records showing the deaths occurred in January and February of 2020, not during the springtime death spike when it was publicized. Was it all a made-for-TV production? The fraudulent list of coronavirus deaths printed in the NY Slimes is another example of media-driven drama that was never meant to be questioned. As Hockett points out, “[o]nly 94 of the names were NYC residents, which is fewer New Yorkers than die on a normal day of any cause.”

While this type of speculation seems easy to deride, Hockett makes the case for how this was pulled off, writing, “[a]uthorities created a ‘closed system event’ by rearranging hospitals, redeploying [and] furloughing staff, bringing in military personnel, banning visitors, and instituting myriad disruptive protocols and policies in healthcare/congregate settings [and] emergency medical services. This was all done intentionally, in my opinion, and without remorse by those who devised and instituted the measures. I believe it was democide assisted by full-blown psychological warfare against those charged with saving lives… In a closed system event, people only know and can speak to what they experienced or did and are not privy to what is happening elsewhere. The most controversial or high-risk aspects of the operation would have been handled by military and intelligence agencies, so as not to put employees of city-run agencies and hospitals at risk of knowing about or being responsible for too much. While fear, NDAs, bribes/promotions, and other silencing techniques could be in the mix, for me the absence of whistleblowers is better evidence the event didn’t happen as alleged than evidence it did. If the New York event were a true disaster of the magnitude purported, five years later, we might also expect things like a permanent memorial commemorating the event or the decedents, documentaries featuring the harrowing testimonies & recollections of doctors, nurses, first responders, and medical examiner’s staff, a federal commission or inquiry focused on what happened in those eleven weeks, and class-action lawsuits against hospitals and other city services. We would not expect dynamic silence.” The article isn’t short, but certainly worth a read.

December 18 – Commiefornia governor Gavin Nuisance declares a state of emergency over the non-existent bird flu outbreak taking place. The move comes on the heels of a press release issued earlier today by the CDC declaring “the first severe [human] case of H5N1 bird flu” was just confirmed in the state of Louisiana. According to the linked CompleteBS article, “to date there have been no recorded cases of person-to-person spread of bird flu in California or anywhere else.” Wow. Sure sounds like an emergency to me… Update (12/19/24): The Courageous Discourse Substack publishes an article titled, “H5N1 in Cattle Is Extremely Suspicious.” Citing a 2019 study, author John Leake explains how the sudden spread of bird flu through dairy cattle herds is unprecedented. The article also includes an interesting 25-minute documentary about this disturbing new trend, how it is being mishandled by the government, and possible motives for exaggerating and/or exacerbating the problem. Also see this. Update 2 (12/30/24): The leftist criminals running Maricopa County, AZ – who are also quite the nuisance – issue a press release announcing bird flu has been detected in the county’s wastewater. 

  • Fortune Magazine publishes a pharmaceutical advertisement an article titled, “Public health experts are warning of a ‘quad-demic’ this winter. Here’s where flu, COVID, RSV, and norovirus are spreading.” Part of the lengthy piece is spent lamenting over the fact that little more than 40% of adults and children have taken the seasonal flu vaccine, only 21% of adults have taken an “updated” COVID clot shot, and only 43.6% of adults 75 and older and 33.6% of adults between the ages of 60 and 74 have taken an RSV vaccine… which is fantastic (and the reason why unofficial ads like the linked article are often disguised as “news”).
  • The Government Accountability Office publishes a report titled, “COVID-19: Information on HHS’s Medical Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.” Though the report is ultimately meant to assist in the ongoing cover-up of the government’s failure to effectively respond to the pandemic, the numbers contained therein are hardly anything to write home about… According to the report, the program “[r]eceived a surge of 13,333 COVID-19 claims – 27 times the number of claims received in the first decade of the program,” have only reviewed about 25% of the claims they’ve received, and has provided compensation to only 3% of the claims they reviewed. Keep in mind that just because the government refuses to officially recognize the damage they caused, this doesn’t mean they didn’t cause the damage… It should also be noted that the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) is separate from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

Image taken from

December 19 – A study is published in BMC Cardiovascular Disorders titled, “Cardiac findings in a phase II double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial of combination therapy (HAZDPac) to treat COVID-19 patients.” The study found “ outpatient treatment of COVID-19 patients with HAZDPac which includes Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, was not associated with prolongation of QTc compared to placebo and QTc remained within normal range.” In his reporting about the study, Nicholas Hulscher, who is also one of the doctors who conducted the trial, noted “[n]one of the COVID-19 patients treated with HAZDPac experienced severe adverse events or mortality, underscoring the safety and potential efficacy of this therapy. Our findings provide strong evidence to counter the notion that hydroxychloroquine is unsafe due to QTc interval prolongation, as no significant changes to abnormal QTc ranges were observed compared to placebo in this rigorously monitored outpatient trial… Our study was published just as the Academic Publishing Cartel unethically retracted the study, ‘Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial.’ This landmark study, which demonstrated hydroxychloroquine’s benefit against COVID-19, was published for four years and cited by 6,713 scientists, physicians, and researchers before being unjustly removed. One way the Biopharmaceutical Complex promotes their genetic injections is by censoring and attacking cheaper, safer, and more effective treatments like hydroxychloroquine.” 

December 20 – KFF Health News gets in on the bird flu fear mongering campaign with an article titled, “How America Lost Control of the Bird Flu, Setting the Stage for Another Pandemic.” The article reads in part, “Nearly a year into the first outbreak of the bird flu among cattle, the virus shows no sign of slowing. The U.S. government failed to eliminate the virus on dairy farms when it was confined to a handful of states, by quickly identifying infected cows and taking measures to keep their infections from spreading. Now at least 875 herds across 16 states have tested positive. Experts say they have lost faith in the government’s ability to contain the outbreak. ‘We are in a terrible situation and going into a worse situation,’ said Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. ‘I don’t know if the bird flu will become a pandemic, but if it does, we are screwed…’ Far more bird flu damage is inevitable, but the extent of it will be left to the Trump administration and Mother Nature. Already, the USDA has funneled more than $1.7 billion into tamping down the bird flu on poultry farms since 2022, which includes reimbursing farmers who’ve had to cull their flocks, and more than $430 million into combating the bird flu on dairy farms. In coming years, the bird flu may cost billions of dollars more in expenses and losses. Dairy industry experts say the virus kills roughly 2% to 5% of infected dairy cows and reduces a herd’s milk production by about 20%. Worse, the outbreak poses the threat of a pandemic… Just a few mutations could allow the bird flu to spread between people. Because viruses mutate within human and animal bodies, each infection is like a pull of a slot machine lever.” For Big Pharma, the slot machine hits every time thanks to “news” outfits like KFF.

  • Alex Berenson publishes an article at his Substack titled, “Why do so many people have ultra-high levels of anti-spike antibodies years after receiving Covid mRNA jabs?” The piece is a follow-up to an article published yesterday about a recent study out of Yale that found people who were (supposedly) never infected with COVID still had high levels of spike proteins in their blood years after receiving an mRNA injection (the COVID clot shot). The piece published today focuses on an older couple, one of whom is semi-retired, who reached out to Berenson to share the wildly different results they are experiencing following their Moderna COVID jabs. According to the email he received, the man has consistently tested (every six months for two years) well-under 200 u/mL of spike protein antibodies, while his wife has consistently tested at 25,000 u/mL (the couple provided Berenson with the lab results). How could this be possible if they have the same level of exposure because they do everything together, including being injected with the same “vaccine” from the same vial only minutes apart? After sharing the contents of the email, Berenson goes on to ask a series of important questions: “How many people – and what percentage of mRNA vaccine recipients – now have these supra-natural spike protein antibody levels? Will they decline to normal over time? Is there any way to help reduce them? Are they the result of prolonged spike protein production, and if so, how are the mRNAs causing that production? Is mRNA surviving in the body for far longer than expected? Have the shots somehow transfected genetic material into human DNA? Is there some other cause? Do other types of Covid vaccines cause this issue? And – most importantly – do these persistent high antibody levels cause health problems, including autoimmune diseases?” All good questions…
  • As you may recall, back in June of 2023 Georgetown University brought The Twerp on board as a “distinguished” professor who would “participate in medical and graduate education and engage with students” (also see this). Well, that doesn’t seem to have happened… The College Fix reports Dr. Fauci “does not appear to have taught a single course since his appointment, nor does he have any future classes scheduled.” Shocking, I know. When asked why he joined the staff at Georgetown for an article published the same day as the announcement, Fauci said in part, “I ask myself, now, at this stage in my life, what do I have to offer to society? I could do more experiments in the lab and have my lab going, but given what I’ve been through, I think what I have to offer is experience and inspiration to the younger generation of students.” Let’s hope he’s just there for the check and stays away from the students. The last thing we need is more COVID cult members running around.

December 21 – John Leake publishes an interview with attorney Aaron Siri at the Courageous Discourse Substack. Siri’s name has appeared in this timeline several times as he is doing lots of outstanding work for the cause of medical freedom. The 25-minute interview covers different topics including the FDA/Pfizer data that was forced into public view (and discussed in the first entry for December 4th above), the history behind liability protection for vaccine manufacturers, the “Cutter Incident,” and the recent smear campaign launched against Siri by the NY Slimes (via the smear campaign already launched against RFK).

December 22 – Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) releases his annual Festivus Report to outline all the insane things the federal government wastes money on. Among the outrageous spending items included in this year’s report is a $2.24M grant given to Cornell University to study COVID transmissibility in cats (page 28) and a Florida man stealing $8M in COVID relief funds to buy himself an island (page 6). The report also includes several other instances of disturbing and unnecessary animal abuse, as well as shockingly stupid programs funded in the US and abroad.

December 25 – Merry Christmas! Continuing holiday tradition is important at All The Birds One Stone… So please check out Spacebusters’ holiday classic “It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Genocide.” Klaus Schwab’s Yuletide album promo is also a lot of fun, as well as Tom MacDonald’s new version of Let It Snow. Enjoy!

December 26 – According to Libs of TikTok, some “‘Covid cautious’ people in Oregon rented out a bowling alley, had everyone mask including the employees, set up air purifiers, and separated kids from adults.” This apparently happened just a few days ago. The most disturbing part of the video is how these adults have been misleading, scaring and ultimately abusing these children, and then think they’re rectifying the situation by bringing them to the paranoid “events” they organize… One thing has become crystal clear: some people are never coming back from COVID.

December 27 – The Associated Presstitutes warn the bird flu may have mutated in the patient in Louisiana who experienced the US’s first severe case. Scientists believe the mutation may be allowing the virus to bind more effectively to receptors in the upper airways of humans – which “they say is concerning but not a cause for alarm.” Also see this.

  • Grabien publishes a video highlighting this year’s alliteratively-titled “most mortifying media moments” of the year – though I think words like “deceptive” and “horseshit” describe said (malevolent) moments much more meritoriously.

December 28 – She’s baaaaack… Everyone’s favorite smiley-faced COVID tyrant and depopulation enthusiast, Leanna Wen, makes an appearance on CompleteBS’s Sunday propaganda-fest Face the Nation. While fear-mongering about the non-existent bird flu crisis, she urged the China Joe regime to ramp up a fraudulent testing program and have the FDA authorize the use of an experimental bird flu “vaccine” ahead of Trump taking office. Wen told fill-in Democrat party propagandist Major Garrett, “The drumbeat of bird flu coming closer to humans is becoming a major threat… We have outbreaks in poultry in all 50 states; 16 states have outbreaks in cattle. In California, in the last 30 days, there have been more than 300 herds that tested positive, and now we have 66 cases of bird flu in humans, and this is almost certainly a significant undercount, because we have not been doing nearly enough testing so we really don’t know the extent of bird flu that’s out there in humans… There are two major things [the China Joe admin] should be doing in the days they have left. The first is to get testing out there. I feel like we should have learned our lesson from COVID, that just because we aren’t testing, it doesn’t mean the virus isn’t there. It just means we aren’t looking for it… And the second very important thing is: this is not like the beginning of COVID where we were dealing with a new virus [and] we didn’t have a vaccine. There actually is a vaccine developed already against H5N1. The Biden administration has contracted with manufacturers to make almost five million doses… However, they have not asked the FDA to authorize the vaccine. There’s research done on it. They could get this authorized now, and also get the vaccine out to farm workers and to vulnerable people. I think that’s the right approach, because we don’t know what the Trump administration is going to be doing around bird flu. If they have people coming in with anti-vaccine stances, could they hold up vaccine authorization? If they don’t want to know how much bird flu is out there, could they withhold testing? I mean, that’s a possibility.” In addition to her incessant lying, Wen also decided to throw a couple of shots at RFK Jr., because why not, telling Garrett, “I’ve spoken to my colleagues in medicine and public health, and I think all of us share this concern, in particular about Robert F. Kennedy, the nominee to be the head of Health and Human Services. Kennedy has espoused many views in the past that are anti-vaccine. In fact, he’s been one of the leading anti-vaccine advocates in the country, if not in the world, over the last couple of decades… It’s very concerning to have someone who doesn’t believe in how science works and basic scientific principles to be in charge of the nation’s preeminent scientific and federal agencies.” As you likely already know, RFK is not anti-vaccine or anti-science, he’s just anti-death cult, which is why people like Wen hate him. The push is officially on for a COVID scamdemic 2.0.

December 29 – Bret Weinstein publishes a sit-down interview with Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI). The entire 70-minute interview is excellent, but it’s divided into segments in the timeline to make it easy to jump to the various topics they discuss.

During the “aligned in fighting corruption” segment, Weinstein succinctly labels the ever-increasing unification of people across the political spectrum as the “unity movement,” describing the way people from different political parties are now working together where there is common ground as a “beautiful discovery.” RFK endorsing Trump in the run up to the 2024 election is a perfect example of this, and I couldn’t agree more about how important this unification truly is. The interview covers many different aspects of the COVID pandemic, from the gross mismanagement of our health agencies to Big Pharma to the vaccine mandates, and is worth listening to in its entirety. That said, the last segment of the interview gets into Dr. Fauci and the possibility of a preemptive pardon coming from China Joe on his way out the door. Regarding this possibility, Johnson told Weinstein, “I am absolutely committed to uncovering and exposing the truth. Now, if [Fauci] gets a pardon he has no Fifth Amendment rights, so he’s got no excuse for not answering our questions… Do I think Anthony Fauci is a particularly evil man? I do – ‘cause I’ve read [RFK’s] books. Do I think he deserves, probably, jail time? Yeah. Is that my primary goal? No. My primary goal is exposure and accountability. Let’s destroy whatever reputation he has because he should have nothing but an awful reputation… In politics, exposure and accountability is the first punishment, and probably the most important because it deters other people… Anthony Fauci, what is he, like 80-something years old? I don’t care to see him in jail, but I want him fully exposed.” For the record, I’d prefer jail, but I get where he’s coming from. I’m sure Johnson will get a lot of great work done heading up the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, including exposing The Twerp for the murderous scoundrel he is.

  • A study is published in the Journal of High School Science titled, “A rapid detection method of replication-competent plasmid DNA from COVID-19 mRNA vaccines for quality control.” Conducted at the FDA’s BSL-1 research lab in Maryland, the study found Pfizer’s COVID clot shots exceed DNA contamination limits by 6 to 470 times. Writing at her Substack, Maryanne Demasi notes “the peer-reviewed study challenges years of dismissals by regulatory authorities, who had previously labelled concerns about excessive DNA contamination as baseless. The FDA is expected to comment on the findings this week. However, the agency has yet to issue a public alert, recall the affected batches, or explain how vials exceeding safety standards were allowed to reach the market.” In her article, Demasi also includes the reaction of Kevin McKernan, a former director of the Human Genome Project, who considers what this study has brought to light a “bombshell.” McKernan, who believes the findings could well be an underestimation due to the methodology of the study, told Demasi “[c]hronic activation of the cGAS-STING pathway could paradoxically fuel cancer growth. Repeated exposure to foreign DNA through COVID-19 boosters may amplify this risk over time, creating conditions conducive to cancer development.” The study also raises concerns because traces of SV-40 were detected in the DNA fragments, though the authors concluded these fragments were “non-replication-competent” despite not proving that assertion through the proper testing. According to McKernan, “the methods used in this study don’t effectively capture the full length of DNA fragments. A more rigorous sequencing analysis could reveal SV40 fragments several thousand base pairs long, which would likely be functional.” So, will these products be pulled off the market? Will there even be a warning issued by the FDA?? While I would typically advise against holding one’s breath, the people Trump is tapping to fill important roles in his next administration gives me a glimmer of hope that something might be done about these experimental and dangerous mRNA products.

December 30 – Bay County Coastal (Florida) reports “[a] group of attorneys representing over 1,500 individuals has issued a cease-and-desist letter demanding that ABC, Inc., and its affiliates halt the promotion of the experimental drug Remdesivir (Veklury®) in the pilot episode of the television series Doctor Odyssey. The letter accuses the network of falsely advertising the drug as a ‘miracle cure’ while ignoring evidence of its alleged dangers and ineffectiveness. The attorneys argue that their clients were coerced into taking Remdesivir under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) without proper informed consent, a violation of federal and ethical standards. They claim that misinformation and withheld risk factors about the drug led to serious health consequences, including kidney failure, liver damage, and organ failure. Citing studies, including one published in the New England Journal of Medicine, they note Remdesivir was previously removed from Ebola trials due to high mortality rates. The letter outlines demands for ABC to: 1) Remove all references to Remdesivir in Doctor Odyssey, 2) Disclose financial agreements related to the drug’s promotion, 3) Establish funds for victims harmed by the drug, [and] 4) Issue a public apology warning viewers about Remdesivir’s risks… The attorneys have given ABC until December 31, 2024, to comply with their demands, warning of immediate legal action if the issues are not addressed.”

  • A study is published in the European Journal of Neurology titled, “The association between acute transverse myelitis [ATM] and COVID-19 vaccination in Korea: Self-controlled case series study.” The study reads in part, “[t]his nationwide population-based SCCS [self-controlled case series] study identified a significant increase in the incidence of ATM within 1-42 days following COVID-19 vaccination. This elevated risk was consistent across various subgroups, including different types of vaccine products and patients… Although the overall incidence of ATM is still rare, our study showed an increased risk of ATM following COVID-19 vaccination… Our findings indicate an increased risk of ATM following COVID-19 vaccination regardless of whether it is a viral vector and mRNA vaccine. Physicians should exercise caution regarding the possibility of ATM following vaccination, enabling early diagnosis and appropriate management.” All four brands of the COVID clot shot included in the study were associated with increased risk for spinal cord inflammation: Pfizer (99% increase), AstraZeneca (231% increase), Moderna (157% increase) and Johnson & Johnson (233% increase).
  • Citing the PREP Act, Northern Texas District Judge Sam Cummings dismisses the case brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton against Pfizer for making unsupported claims about their COVID clot shot. For more details, check out what I wrote on November 30, 2023. Update 3 (1/8/25): Paxton appeals the decision.

Considering the “vaccine” NEVER prevented COVID, I’d say Tweets like this one (link here) from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla are quite misleading. Then, of course, there’s this

December 31 – I receive my first order from and would give the entire process two thumbs up. Not only does the site offer tons of different medications, I received the order fast (I ordered on the 26th). For $300 I received 20 ivermectin (12mg), 40 hydroxychloroquine (200mg), 14 amoxicillin (500mg), two 5-day azithromycin treatments (500mg), and two 6-day methylprednisolone treatments (4mg). All came with three refills that can be used until the end of 2025. The money I paid also covered shipping, as well as the required “doctor visit.” I would highly recommend stocking up before they become the next site to get debanked.