January 3 – The outgoing China Joe administration issues the National Medal of Science to our nation’s “leading scientists, technologists, and innovators…” Unfortunately the list of recipients includes clot shot pushers Pfizer and Moderna. Do you remember how China Joe used to always talk about how he “beat Big Pharma” AFTER he mandated all federal employees take their experimental COVID gene therapy drugs? Well, this must be him “beating” them again.
In an article for American Thinker, Deane Waldman M.D. sums it up best when he writes, “[t]he two companies that Biden rewarded with National Medals sold (literally) the American people a pack of lies, forcing us to take an inadequately tested, low quality treatment that produced transient, insufficient protection and grave medical harm. By conferring prestigious Medals on Pfizer and Moderna, President Biden has cheapened the value of these awards and irrevocably tarnished a Joe Biden legacy damaged by numerous disastrous decisions over four years…”
- According to the UK Daily Mail, “China is reportedly being ravaged by a mysterious viral outbreak that is overwhelming some hospitals… There have also been unverified reports that crematoriums and funeral homes are being overwhelmed. The alarming scenes and lack of official commentary have led some to draw similarities to the early days of the Covid outbreak in China. Local news reports have blamed a little-known virus called human metapneumovirus (HMPV) – which normally causes a mild cold-like illness – for the latest outbreak, though officials have yet to confirm this.”
- Alex Berenson reports a preschool-aged child died of cardio-respiratory arrest after receiving a Moderna COVID booster during a clinical trial called KidCOVE. While the death occurred in late 2022 or early 2023, both the FDA and Moderna have been hiding it since. Berenson notes, “[i]f and when the company secretly told the Food and Drug Administration of the death – as it is legally required to do – is unclear. So is the agency’s response. The fact sheets the FDA and other national regulators use to describe the risks and benefits of Moderna’s vaccines for children do not mention the death. Moderna did not respond to questions. Asked about deaths in the KidCOVE trial, the FDA released a statement that appeared worded to avoid confirming the death and did not disclose what, if any, actions the agency had taken in response. In its statement, the FDA said only that ‘no deaths [were] reported’ in the trials ‘that were the basis of the Emergency Use Authorization’ of the shot for children in 2022. In fact, the KidCOVE trial was the basis of the authorization, though the death occurred after the authorization. The agency did not answer follow-up questions.” In addition to the one death, 99 out of the 8,000 kids enrolled in the trial (under the age of 12) experienced serious side effects… All of this for an ineffective drug that offered only minimal short-term protection to the kids who took it (and who never needed it anyways).
January 4 – The UK Telegraph reports the Oxford scientists responsible for the creation of AstraZeneca’s COVID clot shot are now trying to bring to market an mRNA gene therapy drug to combat the bubonic plague. According to the Telegraph, “the Oxford team says a trial of its vaccine on 40 healthy adults which started in 2021 has yielded results which show it is safe and able to produce an immune response in people… the results of the trial are to be submitted to a journal for peer review within weeks, with further clinical trials expected… Government military scientists recently called for a vaccine to be approved and manufactured in bulk quantities because plague still exists in pockets of the world and has ‘potential for pandemic spread.’ Scientists at Porton Down’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) wrote in a paper in the journal NPJ Vaccines that vaccines need to be expedited ‘to prevent future disastrous plague outbreaks.’”
January 6 – Communist COVID tyrant Justin Trudeau announces he will be stepping down as the Prime Minister of Canada, a position he has held since 2015, though some people – including Canadian conservative leader Pierre Poilievre – believe this is just another leftist scam. Following the announcement, Poilievre took to Twitter to post, “Nothing has changed. Every Liberal MP and Leadership contender supported EVERYTHING Trudeau did for 9 years, and now they want to trick voters by swapping in another Liberal face to keep ripping off Canadians for another 4 years, just like Justin.” This is certainly a legitimate concern for at least half of Canada.
- Last month the US saw its first “severe” human case of bird flu when a Louisiana man was hospitalized in critical condition. Unfortunately, the Louisiana Department of Health is now reporting the man, who was “over the age of 65 and… reported to have underlying medical conditions,” has died.
January 7 – Back in December of 2022, the Florida Supreme Court approved a request from Governor Ron DeSantis to impanel a grand jury tasked with investigating COVID vaccine injuries and the companies manufacturing the shots. Today, the grand jury released their final report revealing they found no evidence of criminal wrongdoing. The report reads in part, “While we did not find criminal activity, we did find a pattern of deceptive and obfuscatory behavior on the part of sponsors and regulators that often straddled the line between ethical and unethical conduct. More importantly, however, not finding any indictable criminal activity does not mean we did not find any problems. On the contrary, there are profound and serious issues involving the process of vaccine development and safety surveillance in the United States. Some of those are acute, COVID-19-era problems that are unlikely to occur outside the context of another once-in-a hundred-year pandemic. Others, however, are systemic; they will occur over and over until someone fixes them. Unfortunately, all these complications have something in common: They involve multinational corporations and federal regulators. The ability of sovereign states like Florida to resolve these issues or even influence these entities directly may be limited. This Grand Jury finds itself in the awkward position of advocating for a series of changes to a group of private and public entities who did not ask for them and are unlikely to be particularly interested in adopting them. Still, we feel compelled to point to what we have seen, if only to make the general public aware of the extent to which the massive systems upon which we depend for our health and welfare [have] failed to serve their interests.
Regarding the clinical trials and pharmacovigilance of MRNA-1273and BNT162b2, it was genuinely striking to us just how many of the problems we found occurred at either the direction or acquiescence of the FDA, CDC and other federal regulators. Nearly every time we found an issue with MRNA-1273 or BNT162b2, the fingerprints of these agencies were all over the scene, advising that the flagship and surrogate clinical trials be performed in specific ways, authorizing dose after dose and formulation after formulation based on out-of-date immunogenicity comparisons and observational results, and even running interference for sponsors by misleading the American public about validated safety signals. These regulatory issues are magnified in the context of vaccines, where consumers have effectively zero ability to hold manufacturers legally responsible for their injuries.” Also see this.
- Wildfires break out in Los Angeles, Commiefornia and the scenes coming out of there can only be described as apocalyptic (also see this and this). This only just happened, but there are already several similarities to the wildfires that occurred in Hawaii in August of 2023, including already-created plans to transform the affected area into a smart city… SmartLA 2028 (also see this). Unsurprisingly, CA Governor Gavin Nuisance used the fire as an opportunity to do a photo-op and looked-on as one of the wealthiest areas in his state turned into the pit of hell. For the full timeline on these fires click here.
January 8 – Vaccine zealot and Fauci wanna-be, Peter Hotez, has an opinion piece published at the Public Library of Science website titled, “It won’t end with COVID: Countering the next phase of American antivaccine activism 2025-29.” According to Hotez, “[a]ntivaccine sentiments have been expressed throughout American history… Starting in 2020 with the introduction of COVID-19 vaccines, health freedom extended to adult immunizations and became a signature feature of political activism on the far-right. This politically charged movement organized and convinced countless Americans to shun COVID-19 immunizations in 2021-22 resulting in an estimated 200,000 deaths from COVID-19 among the unvaccinated U.S. population. Antivaccine activism became a major lethal force in America.” Vax fanatics like Hotez love to cite the “200K unvaccinated deaths” statistic, though in reality it’s just another fantastical lie. The more COVID “vaccines” a person takes, the more likely they are to catch and/or die from COVID, as well as die from all other causes. I have documented this many times throughout this timeline, and it is no longer debatable – but facts and “following the science” have never mattered to the COVID cult. Only total submission to their will is acceptable to them, and a Big Pharma propaganda machine has been established over the last several decades to ensure our compliance. In this regard, Hotez wrote, “more granular or county-level information would be helpful in assessing pockets or regions of vaccine hesitancy and resistance… Our published data is now more than 6–7 years old. Therefore, the information collected from individual state health departments urgently needs updating and should be expanded to look at all 50 U.S. states. Doing so, might help health policymakers to fully evaluate the areas of the country at greatest risk for breakthrough childhood infections, while also guiding local or state vaccine advocacy initiatives.” (This is the point when NGO dark money might start flowing alongside many other well-financed “official” initiatives…)
In the section about “combating disinformation,” Twerp Jr. wrote, “[b]eyond detailing the extent of vaccine exemptions and providing accurate information about vaccines and the diseases they prevent we must also show greater resolve at debunking the false statements and disinformation coming from antivaccine activists… For instance, in January 2024 the Florida State Surgeon General called for the halting of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines allegedly because they could integrate into human DNA, or cause a ‘turbo-cancer’ … Among my statements made on the cable news channels were to point out that the term ‘turbo-cancer’ is a made-up term, and to explain that mRNA do not typically enter through both the outer cell membrane and nuclear membrane of a cell, which is why electroporation is typically required for DNA vaccine delivery… I propose the establishment of a well vetted publicly accessible website, preferably one created and established by a U.S. Government HHS agency, which can create a continuously updated virtual encyclopedia of vaccine myths and explain in straightforward language why they lack scientific merit.”
First off, there’s no way HHS will be doing anything of the sort, especially if RFK Jr. is confirmed as HHS Secretary. So Hotez can either go piss up a rope, or create a “vaccine myths” website himself… Hell, I started this site to combat all the COVID lies we’ve been told by people like him since 2020, so where there’s a will there’s certainly a way.
Second, “turbo-cancer” is, in fact, a made-up term. It’s a term that was created to describe the fast-developing cancers that began increasing in frequency following the mass injection of mRNA gene therapy drugs into billions of people. Hotez believes, however, that if you simply pretend this disturbing trend does not exist, you never have to figure out why it’s occurring.
Finally, as he refutes Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo’s concern about injectable mRNA integrating into human DNA – a concern backed up by multiple medical studies showing just that – he basically admits at the very least it can happen by his use of the word “typically.”
So to review: this little dirtbag is literally spreading disinformation as he shares his plan to “combat” it… He must think we’re stupid or something. Also see this.
January 9 – With RFK’s HHS confirmation hearing approaching fast, legacy media outlets (AKA lying propagandist pigs) are still trying their damnedest to sully his solid reputation. One such example comes from NBC in a fake news article titled, “More than 15,000 doctors sign letter urging Senate to reject RFK Jr. as health secretary.” Democrat party propagandist Brandy Zadrozny writes in part, “The letter was posted online by the Committee to Protect Health Care, a physicians advocacy group. Beyond his well-documented anti-vaccine views and advocacy, the letter cites other conspiracy theories Kennedy has actively spread, including baseless claims about a link between school shootings and antidepressants and his promotion of disproven treatments for Covid-19… Asked by text about the swell of opposition from doctors and public health organizations to Trump’s intention to nominate Kennedy, Katie Miller, Kennedy’s spokesperson within the Trump transition team, dismissed the backlash as ‘just another grift’ that would ‘bilk donors’ to advocacy groups. ‘Robert F. Kennedy Jr will be confirmed and those who are spending their time undermining him will have no place and no voice at HHS,’ Miller said by text. ‘Good luck and best wishes to them.’” I would have preferred if Miller told them to go f@&k themselves, but I guess that works, too. The nonsensical letter deceitfully characterized the Kennedy selection as “an affront to the principles of public health,” while accusing him of “spreading dangerous disinformation” for decades. You’re shocked, I know… The twits also claimed RFK is “not only unqualified to lead this essential agency,” but “actively dangerous” – which is pretty much all the same blah, blah, blah you hear everywhere else. Hopefully these pathetic people will be able to get the help they need when Kennedy is confirmed and he begins Making America Healthy Again. Update (1/13/25): The Radiology Business website gets in on the act by reporting more than 350 lying sacks of shit radiologists have signed the same letter urging the US Senate to reject RFK. For more on how moronic and dishonest these people are see this.
Update 2 (1/24/25): Respected radio host and fitness freak Jillian Michaels does a little investigating and discovers the “letter” being pushed by the MSM pigs is, for all intents and purposes, fake. She made the discovery by signing the letter twice, once as “Dr. Fake” and again as “Dr. Bullshit.” Digging in further, Michaels looked into who funds the Committee to Protect Health Care and learned it was the Sixteen Thirty Fund and the Hopewell Fund – both of whom are funded and controlled by a dark money organization known as Arabella Advisors. Taking it a step further, I decided to look into who funds them… According to Capital Research, some of Arabella’s biggest funders are the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (Mark Zuckerberg), and the Foundation to Promote Open Society (George Soros)… In other words, this letter is nothing more than astroturfing being conducted by people who think they can pull the strings from the shadows. It’s not RFK who is “actively dangerous,” it’s the dirtbag foundations and NGOs seeking to undermine America by incessantly lying to the American people who are the real threat.
January 10 – Meta/Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg appears on the Joe Rogan podcast to discuss a variety of topics. Right off the bat, Rogan brings up the topic of censorship by asking when it started becoming prevalent in Facebook’s day-to-day activities. As you likely recall, the social media giant took on an important role during the scamdemic by shamelessly pushing the government’s unscientific COVID mitigation measures and promoting the dangerous and experimental COVID clot shots. If this wasn’t bad enough, Facebook had also been censoring people quite a bit at the behest of the fascist China Joe administration in a supposed attempt to curb the spread of mis- and disinformation. To Rogan’s credit, he refused to let Zuckerberg off the hook when these topics came up and Zuckerberg tried to rewrite history… During one exchange (8:05), the delusional Zuckerberg tried to paint himself as a defender of free speech during the scamdemic, stating, “This really hit the most extreme [censoring on behalf of the China Joe admin] I’d say during – it was during the Biden administration when they were trying to roll out the vaccine program. Now I’m generally, like, pretty pro-rolling out vaccines. I think, on balance, the vaccines are more positive than negative, but I think that while they’re trying to push that program they also tried to censor anyone who was basically arguing against it. And they pushed us super hard to take down things that were, honestly, were true. I mean they basically pushed us and said, ya know, anything that says vaccines might have side effects, you basically need to take down. And I was just like, ‘Well, we’re not going to do that.’ We’re clearly not going to do that.” When asked about who “they” were, Zuckerberg said it was the Biden administration and that he wasn’t directly involved in those conversations. Now, I don’t believe for one second that he wasn’t spoken to directly – or that he was some free speech hero who refused to comply with the government’s demands – but this is what he told Rogan. A few minutes later, Zuckerberg continued (13:17), “Basically, these people from the Biden administration would call up our team and, like, scream at them – and curse… And basically it got to this point where we were like, ‘No, we’re not gonna take down things that are true. That’s ridiculous… We’re not gonna take down humor and satire. We’re not gonna take down things that are true.’ And then at some point, I guess, it flipped a bit. I mean Biden… he gave some statement at some point… where he basically was like, ‘these guys [Facebook] are killing people.’ Then all these agencies and branches of government basically just started investigating and coming after our company. It was brutal.” At this point Rogan felt the need to point out how, regardless of a person’s stance on the clot shot, legitimate information about how to take care of your health was being censored in order to promote the government’s Big Pharma vaccine narrative, and that this was wrong.
Much later on in the interview (2:43:35), when the topic of the COVID jab came up again, Zuckerberg told Rogan, “If you go back to the COVID example I think in that case they [the China Joe admin] were doing something – their goal of trying to get everyone vaccinated was actually, I think, a good goal.” Taking exception to this assertion, Rogan fired back saying, “It was a good goal if it worked. If it was real. If it was a sterilizing vaccine. If it really did prevent people from getting COVID. If it did prevent people from infecting others… But it didn’t. So it wasn’t a good deal because it wasn’t based on real data.” Undeterred by Rogan’s truthful statements, Zuckerberg began flailing a bit and defended the government’s obsessive desire to get the clot shot into every last man, woman and child, saying, “Yeah, but even if it were [based on real data]… Still, on balance, knowing everything that we know now, I still think it’s good for more people to get the vaccine. But the government needs to play by the rules in terms of, ya know, you just can’t suppress true things in order to make your case… I’m not sure in that case how much of it was like a personal political gain that they were going for. I think that they had a kind of goal that they thought was in the interests of the country, and the way they went about it I think violated the law.”
In response, Rogan explained how the government was suppressing effective COVID treatments in order to acquire emergency use authorizations for the experimental mRNA jabs, the same plan The Twerp used to push experimental (and ineffective) drugs during the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s. To his credit, Rogan did not let Zuckerberg slide on any of the things he got wrong, and concisely set the record straight time and time again – which is very important when considering his enormous reach. Unfortunately, it’s pretty obvious that our friend Mark hasn’t spent much time doing his homework over the last few years, because knowing everything that we now know, it’s clear the clot shots are ineffective garbage that should be taken off the market immediately. They were never a Godsend, and the government should never have gotten involved in pushing them so hard. It’s quite easy for Zuckerberg to sit there now and play the victim and act like he’s suddenly transformed into a free-speech-defending Captain America type of figure, but in reality he’s still very ignorant about COVID and the “vaccines,” and is likely more concerned about restoring his tarnished reputation now that the hysteria has ended and the pendulum has swung back towards the protection of individual rights like free speech and bodily autonomy.
Update (1/14/25): The O’Keefe Media Group releases audio obtained by the Citizen Journalist Foundation revealing Facebook was providing the Rockefeller Foundation $100K worth of ad credits per major city to amplify the public health initiatives (push the COVID clot shot) of the China Joe administration, the CDC, and the WHO. The free ads totaled at least $500K. This revelation is consistent with Zuckerberg’s appearance on the Rogan podcast as he repeated a few times how he is a big believer in the “vaccines,” despite the mountain of evidence showing they do more harm than good. The leaked calls also reveal how the Rockefeller Foundation was trying to get ad credits from other social media platforms including YouTube and Twitter. These supposed do-gooders sure do love it when everyone is acting in Lock Step, don’t they?
January 13 – Moderna announces it will cut $1B in costs in 2025, and an additional $500M in 2026, to help steer the company back towards profitability. Now that the COVID bonanza is over, Moderna’s stock value has been steadily dropping since its high of around $450 per share back in the fall of 2021. Update (1/17/25): The outgoing China Joe administration announces the Department of Health and Human Services is forking over another $590M in federal funding to Moderna “to accelerate the development of mRNA-based pandemic influenza vaccines and enhance mRNA platform capabilities so that the U.S. is better prepared to respond to other emerging infectious diseases.” This comes after the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority awarded the company $176M in funding back in July. It pays big to be friends with Democrats…
Moderna stock hitting its peak in September of 2021.
January 14 – During his Senate confirmation hearing, Secretary of Defense nominee Pete Hegseth vows to reinstate all of the troops fired for refusing to take the COVID clot shot, as well as provide them with back pay and an apology. While speaking with Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Hegseth was asked about the Jerusalem Cross tattoo on his chest (that Democrats claim is racist) which sent him on a bit of a jag where he said (2:26:23 mark), “We haven’t even talked about COVID, and the tens of thousands of service members who were kicked out because of an experimental vaccine. In President Trump’s Defense Department they will be apologized to, they will be reinstituted, reinstituted with pay and rank. Things like focusing on extremism, Senator, have created a climate inside our ranks that feel political when it hasn’t ever been political. Those are the types of things that are going to change.”
January 15 – During an interview with Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform, the EU’s Equality, Preparedness, and Crisis Management Commissioner Hadja Lahbib compares (supposed) spreaders of disinformation to the unvaccinated, saying in part, “In a pandemic, when someone who is not vaccinated becomes contaminated, they spread the virus, affecting more and more people. The same goes for disinformation. People who are not prepared to distinguish facts from disinformation spread it among other people, ‘contaminating’ them too. So disinformation is very contagious, and then the ‘pandemic’ is really hard to stop.” Ironically, while commenting on recent EU elections being won by right wing populists, she said Brussels now believes they “have to adopt what we call the Democracy Shield to protect all democracies from malign influence.” In other words, make it impossible for candidates who aren’t leftists like her to win elections… So democratic, isn’t it? While people like Lahbib the Disinfo Witch will undoubtedly continue to lie and misrepresent their political opposition, it will ultimately make little difference because the cat is out of the bag now and has been for some time – leftists lie like rugs, especially the ones working in the “news” media.
January 16 – The Vaccine Issues Research Group in Japan holds a press conference to bring attention to their concerns about continued use of mRNA gene therapy drugs. To begin, Dr. Masanori Fukushima of Kyoto University pointed out the glaring lack of safety testing for vaccines when compared to other pharmaceutical products, saying, “[f]or ordinary pharmaceuticals, it is determined how they distribute within the body. This is followed by tests for whether they cause cancer, and whether they affect reproductive functions. All these detailed and extensive experiments are required, but when it comes to vaccines, these requirements are not enforced at all.” He also discussed the high number of deaths being recorded among younger age groups and the overall inefficacy of the COVID jabs. Regarding the latter, Fukushima referenced a study he co-authored that was released last month saying, “When we carefully analyzed the data, it became evident that vaccinated individuals showed a higher likelihood of infection, which intensified with each additional dose. This presents a statistically significant difference compared to their unvaccinated counterparts… Currently, there is no data in Japan showing that vaccination prevents severe cases. Instead, it suggests an increased susceptibility to infection among vaccinated individuals.” These findings are consistent with other studies that have documented the exact same thing, including a 2022 Cleveland Clinic study that saw a direct correlation between the number of COVID “vaccine” doses and rate of infection. Despite all the evidence showing these shots are complete garbage, medical “experts” the world over continue to recommend their use – which is just plain crazy.
Image taken from the referenced 2022 Cleveland Clinic study.
- End Tribalism in Politics publishes video of John F. Kennedy’s grandson, Jack Schlossberg, mocking his uncle’s (RFK) spasmodic dysphonia. The cross-eyed douchebag – who looks like a total mental patient – basically did a bit where he was pretending to be RFK deciding on what to give Trump as a thank you “for the inauguration.” Ultimately he decides to kill “a really rare animal” (normal people refer to these as endangered animals…) to give to him as a present (while holding up a small toy octopus he probably got from his own playpen). Why are leftists such hate-filled hypocrites?
January 17 – The Wall Street Jingo releases a short clip of a soon-to-be-released interview they conducted with everyone’s favorite depopulationist billionaire, Bill Gates. While speaking about a meeting he had with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago late last month, Gates said (with a deranged smirk on his face), “Yeah, I had a chance to go have a long, and actually quite intriguing dinner with him… We touched on a lot of things – it was over three hours to my surprise… It was quite wide-ranging. Ya know, global health’s the area that I work in and such amazing things have happened and can happen there. I spoke a lot about HIV and that the foundation’s literally working on a cure for that. We’re at an early stage and so he, in the COVID days, accelerated the vaccine innovations, so I was asking him if, ya know, the same kind of thing could be done here, and we both got, I think, pretty excited about that. We talked about polio, where we’re very close to getting that done, but if you stop it’ll spread back, and so I explained why it’s been tough in Pakistan and Afghanistan. We’ve had cases show up in Gaza, we have cases in Africa, and he was fascinated to hear what he could do to maximize the chance that, during the next four years, that incredible milestone will be achieved. He was energized and looking forward to helping to drive innovation. Ya know, I was frankly impressed with how well he showed a lot of interest in the issues I brought up.”
You think Gates brought up how the majority of polio cases around the world are caused by the garbage “vaccines” he pushes? Yeah, me neither. Back in November of 2019, the Associated Presstitutes published an article titled, “More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus.” The article reads in part, “Four African countries have reported new cases of polio linked to the oral vaccine, as global health numbers show there are now more children being paralyzed by viruses originating in vaccines than in the wild. In a report late last week, the World Health Organization and partners noted nine new polio cases caused by the vaccine in Nigeria, Congo, Central African Republic and Angola. Seven countries elsewhere in Africa have similar outbreaks and cases have been reported in Asia. Of the two countries where polio remains endemic, Afghanistan and Pakistan, vaccine-linked cases have been identified in Pakistan. In rare cases, the live virus in oral polio vaccine can mutate into a form capable of sparking new outbreaks. All the current vaccine-derived polio cases have been sparked by a Type 2 virus contained in the vaccine. Type 2 wild virus was eliminated years ago.” Let’s hope this is just a case of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer… and that RFK gives Trump a good talking-to. Trump should also be made aware that Gates donated $50M to a PAC backing the Harris/Walz campaign. Also see this and this.
- The Department of Health and Human Services formally debars EcoHealth Alliance and their president, Peter Daszak, for five years and cuts off all of their federal funding. For details on all the wrongdoing, see this.
- The State of Georgia suspends all poultry activities including “all in-state poultry exhibitions, shows, swaps, meets, and sales… until further notice” after a bird flu case was detected at a commercial operation in Elbert County. Unfortunately, the 45,000 “broiler breeders” on the premises at the time of the detection needed to be “depopulated” by the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s Emergency Management and State Agricultural Response Teams. It should also be noted that Elbert County is about 30 miles away from the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory where gain-of-function research has been taking place since 2021.
January 19 – Right on time for Trump’s inauguration tomorrow, the Texas Biomedical Research Institute publishes an article in SciTechDaily titled, “First U.S. H5N1 Death Sparks Urgency: Scientists Warn That Bird Flu Is Mutating Faster Than Expected.” While the headline is meant to sound worrisome, it takes just three sentences for the reader to have their fear assuaged… The article begins: “Researchers at Texas Biomed have identified nine mutations in a strain of bird flu found in a person in Texas. Bad news: This strain shows an increased ability to cause disease and is more effective at replicating in the brain. Good news: Current approved antiviral treatments remain effective against this strain.” Disaster averted? Not really. The British Brainwashing Corporation reported about a month ago that bird flu has been considered endemic in wild bird populations since 2022 and is “here to stay.” Though the mad scientists could be busy cooking up a deadlier version of H5N1 at this very moment… which I’m sure they are. Death cult is always gonna death cult.
- Steve Kirsch continues breaking down the COVID vax data out of the Czech Republic, this time with an article titled, “Official Czech Republic record level data released Nov 2024 confirms Moderna has nearly 50% higher ACM [all-cause mortality] than Pfizer.” Update (1/30/25): Kirsch publishes a follow-up piece on the Czech data.
January 20 – Donald Trump is sworn in as our nation’s 47th president. After a short, but powerful inaugural address (transcript here), Trump hit the ground running and seemed to spend most of the day signing executive orders – first at Capital One Arena in front of an audience, then in the Oval Office while doing a presser. Some of the more notable actions taken were freezing the creation of new federal regulations (as well as the hiring of new federal employees with few exceptions), withdrawing the US from the useless World Health Organization, putting an end to the weaponization of the Justice Department, restoring freedom of speech and ending federal censorship, securing the southern border, designating drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, restoring names that symbolize American greatness, withdrawing the US from the Paris climate agreement, and the pardoning of all of the political prisoners taken hostage by the China Joe administration following the January 6th fed-surrection. For the full list of executive orders see this (start at the last page). Update (1/24/25): According to an internal WHO email, the withdrawal of the US from the organization has triggered a hiring freeze, a reduction in travel expenses and a suspension of investments. All good news.
Time to rock ‘n roll.
- Before the Inauguration Day festivities began, China Joe issued a bunch of last-minute preemptive pardons to a few more of his partners in crime. Recipients include The Twerp, traitorous general Mark Milley, all of the members of the J6 Unselect Committee (and their staffs), and several more of his family members. The narrative being spun across all of the fake news outlets is that Biden needed to do this in order to prevent Trump from using “baseless accusations” to take “revenge” on them, but that threat only exists in the minds of pea-brained Democrats. To put it another way, it’s a blatant lie being told by Democrat propagandists to provide cover to the criminals. Perhaps the most outrageous aspect to all of this is that the pardons do not even specify exactly what they are being pardoned for, similar to the blanket pardon China Joe gave to his degenerate son Hunter. That’s not how the power of the pardon is supposed to work. This lawlessness must be challenged by the Trump administration so that
revengejustice can be doled out to every last one of these dirtbag criminals. At the very least, state AGs need to pursue legal action against The Twerp for establishing his grotesque COVID “protocol” that killed countless people through the suppression of safe and effective drugs in favor of the poisonous Remdesivir. It should also be noted that The Twerp’s pardon extends all the way back to 2014, when his NIAID began funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China – a fact he has lied about under oath on multiple occasions. In response to the news, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has vowed to “not rest until the entire truth of the [COVID origin] coverup is exposed.” Also see this. All totaled, China Joe issued more than 8,000 pardons and commutations between 2021-2025. To read the Independent Medical Alliance’s statement on the Fauci pardon click here (the group was formerly known as the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance or FLCCC). Update (2/5/25): South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson announces he is “leading a coalition of state attorneys general in an investigation into Dr. Anthony Fauci’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic response, demanding accountability for alleged mismanagement, misleading statements, and suppression of scientific debate.” The press release includes a list of the 16 other state AGs who sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD) and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) offering their services to congress. The letter reads in part, “if you believe that further findings or direct evidence that suggests there may have been any violation of state laws, please include us in any actions taken so that we may evaluate state-level courses of action. Although former President Biden attempted to shield potential bad actors – like Dr. Anthony Fauci – from accountability via preemptive pardons, we are confident that state laws may provide a means to hold all actors accountable for their misconduct.” My head is telling me nothing will come of this, but my heart says things might be different this time around…
January 21 – President Trump announces (also see this) a partnership between OpenAI, Oracle, and Softbank to accelerate the development of artificial intelligence infrastructure in the United States. Dubbed “Stargate,” the project is expected to bring in up to $500B worth of investment over the next five years, and plans are already in the works to begin building data centers and the electrical power plants needed to run them. Because AI has quickly become an unstoppable phenomenon, I can understand Trump wanting to make the US the world leader in this field. However, during the presser Oracle’s Chief Technology Officer and Executive Chairman Larry Ellison threw a few things out there that I did not feel comfortable hearing. Ellison said in part (10:40 mark), “One of the most exciting things we’re working on… is a cancer vaccine. It’s very interesting… All of our cancers – cancer tumors – little fragments of those tumors float around in your blood. So you can do early cancer detection… You can do early cancer detection with a blood test. Uh, and using AI to look at the blood test, you can find the cancers that are actually seriously threatening the person. So we can, again, [do] cancer diagnosis using AI as the promise of just being a simple blood test. Then beyond that, once we gene sequence, once we gene sequence that cancer tumor, you can then vaccinate the person. Design a vaccine for every individual person to vaccinate them against that cancer. And you can make that vaccine, that mRNA vaccine. You can make that robotically again using AI in about 48 hours. So imagine early cancer detection, the development of a cancer vaccine for your particular cancer aimed at you, and have that vaccine available in 48 hours. This is the promise of AI and the promise of the future.”
While all of this sounds very interesting, and even exciting on some level, the COVID scamdemic showed everyone willing to see it that mRNA technology is not yet ready to be used in humans. There are too many problems and too many inconsistencies from person to person. So while I find it somewhat promising that medical research and development is at a level where people are even talking like this, I feel it’s much further away than Ellison is leading people to believe. That said, my concern is more about the rapid development of AI – that seems to have little, if any, guardrails at the moment – and the ability governments and private entities will have when it comes to using this technology for other, more nefarious purposes, like surveillance. Applying artificial intelligence to medicine is also a slippery slope, and one that could ultimately remove most human doctors from the picture entirely, especially if the ability of AI becomes widely considered as superior to human decision-making. There have already been problems with AI in the recent past, but this mostly had to do with the leftists programming it who like to treat their own opinions as facts. Nevertheless, these issues showed that AI has everything to do with who is programming it and for what purpose. Wouldn’t insurance companies love for a machine to be the bearer of bad news when it decides it’s not worth paying for a person’s treatment or surgery? After all, a machine is literally heartless, isn’t it? Also be sure to check out this short clip from the documentary America: Freedom to Fascism. Update (2/5/25): Google lifts its ban on using artificial intelligence for the creation of weapons. So much for “don’t be evil,” huh?
- Agence France Presse reports a court in Belgium “dismissed a lawsuit against EU chief Ursula von der Leyen centred on text messages she exchanged with the head of vaccine maker Pfizer during negotiations for Covid jabs… the Liege appeals court ‘declared inadmissible’ a set of complaints brought in 2023 by Belgian former lobbyist Frederic Baldan, as he could not prove suffering ‘personal harm…’ The EU moved swiftly after the Covid pandemic emerged in 2020 to secure vaccines for member countries to buy for their citizens and residents, at a time of massive global demand for the shots. But many aspects of the procurement from key supplier Pfizer have been kept confidential, leading to claims of a lack of transparency – and several legal proceedings… The EPPO, an independent body fighting fraud involving EU funds, opened a still-ongoing probe into vaccine purchases in 2022… The commission does not dispute that the text messages existed but says they did not constitute part of the vaccine negotiation – and are no longer available.”
January 22 – After years of litigation, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) announces it has acquired a portion of the FDA’s “Empirical Bayesian (EB) data mining” reports. These reports were designed to detect COVID vax safety signals through the analysis of incidents filed to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The press release reads in part, “[a]n initial review of the records produced has revealed a long list of adverse events that far surpassed FDA’s ‘standard alert threshold’ – meaning, there is (or should have been) great concern on the part of federal health authorities who were privy to this data. As just one example, ICAN discovered that ‘heavy menstrual bleeding’ and ‘menstruation irregular’ began showing up on the reports as early as April 2021! The EB analyses are one type of report that FDA and CDC were supposed to be producing as part of the safety monitoring of the COVID-19 vaccines. If you recall, CDC planned to detect safety signals using a method called Proportional Reporting Ratio, or PRR. After denying that any PRR records existed, ICAN was forced to sue in order to obtain CDC’s PRR data. Once we received it, it became exceedingly clear why CDC tried to keep it buried: numerous concerning conditions far exceeded CDC’s threshold for safety detection! We expect to see much of the same with the EB data.” Also see this.
FDA: “Keep it moving, buddy. Nothing to see here.”
- The Department of Justice announces an “indictment was unsealed today in Central Islip, New York, charging seven individuals with operating a multi-state conspiracy in which they attempted to defraud the United States of more than $600 million by filing more than 8,000 false tax returns claiming COVID-19-related employment tax credits.” Check out the linked press release for details.
- US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) declares, effective today, they are waiving “any and all requirements that applicants for adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident present documentation on their Form I-693… that they received the COVID-19 vaccination. USCIS will not issue any Request for Evidence (RFE) or Notice of Intent to Deny (NOID) related to proving a COVID-19 vaccination. USCIS will not deny any adjustment of status application based on the applicant’s failure to present documentation that they received the COVID-19 vaccination.”
January 23 – The O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) releases video of Trump-hating White House advisor Byron Cohen telling an undercover reporter how RFK will be sabotaged by the deep state if he takes over the Department of HHS. One such way would be to “study something” through the creation of a commission that would intentionally drag its feet “and then years will pass and nothing has happened.” According to Cohen, “a sophisticated bureaucrat can do a lot to run around an unsophisticated political appointee” and explained to the reporter how he would “block” things he didn’t agree with, or at the very least slow them down. Good luck with that, jerkoff. This self-important bureaucrat needs to get canned immediately.
- Freedom Research publishes a mini-documentary about No-vax Djokovic titled, “Game, Set, Freedom: GOAT Djokovic.” The six-and-a-half minute video does a great job boiling down the undeserved scrutiny he faced for refusing the COVID jab, and how he came out a winner after all was said and done. It’s definitely worth a watch.
- President Trump pulls The Twerp’s paid-for-by-taxpayers security detail. Update (1/24/25): While doing a presser in North Carolina Trump is asked about pulling Fauci’s security and if would feel responsible if something happened to him. The president responded by saying, “No, no. You know, they all made a lot of money. They can hire their own security, too. All the people you’re talking about, they can go out – I can give them some good numbers of very good security people – they can hire their own security. They all made a lot of money. Fauci made a lot of money. They all did, so if they felt that strongly… certainly I would not take responsibility.” I have to say, I’ve really been enjoying this new and improved, scorched earth version of President Trump.
2016 Presidential Portrait (left) vs. 2024 Presidential Portrait (right)
January 24 – The Department of Justice announces “Pfizer Inc. (Pfizer), on behalf of its wholly-owned subsidiary Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Company Ltd. (Biohaven), has agreed to pay $59,746,277 to resolve allegations that, prior to Pfizer’s acquisition of the company, Biohaven knowingly caused the submission of false claims to Medicare and other federal health care programs by paying kickbacks to health care providers to induce prescriptions of Biohaven’s drug Nurtec ODT… The settlement announced today resolves allegations that from March 1, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2022, Biohaven paid improper remuneration, including in the form of speaker honoraria and meals at high end restaurants, to health care professionals to induce them to prescribe the migraine medication Nurtec ODT in violation of the anti-kickback statute.” Check out the linked press release or the settlement agreement for more details.
- The Canadian province of Alberta releases its final report on their pandemic response. According to Dr. David Speicher, one of the authors of the report, the government had the report for six months before quietly releasing it today. He also said while the task force tried to stay neutral in their approach, they were consistently met with resistance from the Alberta Health Service when it came to their requests for data and information. Joel Smalley also wrote-up a breakdown of the 269-page report at his Dead Man Talking Substack. Some of Smalley’s main takeaways were: 1) “Alberta abandoned its pre-existing pandemic response plan in favour of an ad-hoc approach,” 2) “Decision-making became highly centralized and heavily influenced by federal guidance,” 3) Early COVID-19 models significantly overestimated hospitalizations and deaths… [were] often inaccurate and may have led to overly restrictive measures,” 4) “Lockdowns and restrictions showed limited effectiveness in reducing transmission,” 5) “School closures and other measures had significant negative impacts on society,” 6) “Mass testing of asymptomatic people may have created misleading case numbers,” 7) “There was an over-reliance on a limited range of approved treatments [and] physicians faced professional consequences for using alternative treatments,” 8) “Vaccine policies were implemented without adequate safety and efficacy data,” 9) “Natural immunity was largely ignored in policy decisions,” and 10) “Vaccine mandates were implemented despite vaccines not preventing transmission.” Isn’t it funny how all of these pandemic response reports, regardless of where they come from, all say basically the same thing?
January 25 – Steve Kirsch gets ChatGPT to admit more COVID vaccines means more COVID. All Kirsch did was plug in the case data and ChatGPT determined it suggests “a positive association between vaccination rates and relative changes in COVID cases for both 2021 and 2022. This means states with higher vaccination rates tended to have higher relative increases in cases compared to the 2020 baseline.” Now doesn’t that sound safe and effective?
January 26 – President Trump directs public health officials working at the CDC to immediately cease all collaboration with the WHO and “await further guidance.”
January 27 – President Trump signs an executive order reinstating military service members who were fired for refusing the COVID clot shot. The order also requires they receive full back pay, benefits and bonuses, and a return to their former rank. Those who allowed their service to lapse rather than be treated like a guinea pig are also covered by the order.
January 28 – The McCullough Foundation has a study published in the journal Science, Public Health Policy and the Law titled, “Review: Calls for Market Removal of COVID-19 Vaccines Intensify as Risks Far Outweigh Theoretical Benefits.” The abstract reads in part, “[m]ore than 81,000 physicians, scientists, researchers, and concerned citizens, 240 elected government officials, 17 professional public health and physician organizations, 2 State Republican Parties, 17 Republican Party County Committees, and 6 scientific studies from across the world have called for the market withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines. As of September 6, 2024, the CDC has documented 19,028 deaths in the United States reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) by healthcare professionals or pharmaceutical companies who believe the product is related to the death. The total number of COVID-19 vaccine deaths reported to VAERS (37,544 among all participating countries) have far exceeded the recall limits of past vaccine withdrawals by up to 375,340%. The criteria for an FDA Class I recall, which applies to products with a reasonable probability of causing serious adverse health consequences or death, have been far exceeded. Excess mortality, negative efficacy, widespread DNA contamination, and a lack of demonstrated reduction in transmission, hospitalization, or mortality have undermined the rationale for continued administration… Immediate removal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market is essential to prevent further loss of life and ensure next steps are taken for accountability of the harm incurred.”
The authors separated their data into several sections including VAERS data, excess mortality rates and negative efficacy, ultimately concluding, “We expect that calls for an immediate moratorium on COVID-19 vaccines will continue to increase until a critical mass is reached, and the products are finally removed from the market. Excess mortality, negative efficacy, and widespread DNA contamination associated with COVID-19 vaccines have been sufficiently demonstrated… No large-scale, conclusive, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials have demonstrated reduction in infection transmission, hospitalization, or death as primary endpoints. Thus, the COVID-19 vaccines are not proven to be effective in reducing important clinical outcomes. A position supporting COVID-19 vaccination goes against good medical practice and violates the Hippocratic Oath to above all, do no harm.”
January 29 – Robert Kennedy appears before the Senate Finance Committee for his confirmation hearing to become the next Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. There were no real surprises during the proceeding as the GOP Senators either praised RFK’s track record as a litigator or asked pertinent questions about his personal views and how they might impact his work at HHS. The Democrats, on the other hand, came off like fascist parrots who repeated variations of the same false accusations (see all of my previous RFK entries over the last several months for the details) and fear mongered about how the sky will fall should Kennedy get confirmed. I thought he did very well for himself overall, especially in regard to staying composed as the despicable Democrats shamelessly hurled insults at him and intentionally mischaracterized his views. Some of the more enjoyable moments from the hearing include: 1) Before it even began, one of the “reporters” illustrated how fake news works when she was caught with a negative headline already written for her unwritten article (see image below). This is because most “reporters” sing from the same sheet music as the Democrat party, 2) Fauxcahontas losing her shit when Kennedy refused to assure her he would no longer sue her bosses Big Pharma, 3) Comrade Bernie trying to get Kennedy to denounce “anti-vax” onesies sold at the Children’s Health Defense website that read “unvaxxed unafraid” and “no vax, no problem,” 4) Kennedy telling Comrade Bernie he was part of the problem for taking money from Big Pharma (which he denied), 5) the Marxist Moron of Georgia Ralph Warnock trying to get RFK admit he compared the CDC to Nazi death camps (by taking his words grossly out of context), 6) Kennedy making Angela Alsobrooks (D-MD) look like a fool when she implied his appointment will be “dangerous” for black people, and 7) watching a bunch of aging politicians – who look like reanimated corpses – act as if Kennedy would be a threat to public health.
If you don’t have the time to watch the entire hearing I would recommend making time to watch Kennedy’s short opening statement (37:30 mark). A Midwestern Doctor also published a fantastic article today titled, “Who’s Trying To Stop America From Being Healthy Again,” which is a must-read in my opinion. Also see this informative article running down the points RFK made at the hearing (some great health advice, too). Unfortunately for Kennedy, he will have to deal with the same bullshit tomorrow when he appears before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions…
Fake news is truly the enemy of the people.
“Are you supportive of these onesies??!!” – Comrade Bernie
Update (2/3/25): The Editorial Board at the New York Post gets in on the RFK bashing with a disappointing op-ed piece titled, “RFK’s hearings remove all doubt: He’s not fit to lead a key federal health agency.” The article is very poorly written and comes off more like a rant than anything meant to be informative. Its main message is that we must continue to believe all the lies the NY Post has helped to institutionalize over the years, and having someone like Kennedy at HHS might cause some of those lies to be dismantled.
Update 2 (2/13/25): RFK is confirmed as Secretary of HHS – a big win for America. The Senate voted him in by a 52-48 margin, with only the demonic turtle Mitch McConnell voting against him on the Republican side. Unsurprisingly, McConnell also released a pathetic crybaby statement after the vote to express his disappointment (as if anyone gives a shit). Just like with the election of President Trump, Kennedy’s confirmation shows how the US propaganda machine is on life support… To check out what he said after being sworn in click here – it’s worth the 9 minutes.