November 2024

November 1 – A study is published in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science titled, “COVID-19 Vaccines: A Risk Factor for Cerebral Thrombotic Syndromes.” Using data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), researchers compared the number of cerebral thromboembolism adverse events (blood clots in the brain) that occurred following COVID-19 vaccination to the number that occurred following seasonal flu vaccination, as well as all other vaccinations. The study concluded there were “5137 cerebral thromboembolism AEs [adverse events] reported in the 3 years (36 months) after COVID-19 vaccines compared to 52 AEs for the influenza vaccines over the past 34 years (408 months) and 282 AEs for all other vaccines (excluding COVID-19) over the past 34 years (408 months)… There is an alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis AEs after COVID-19 vaccines compared to that of the influenza vaccines and even when compared to that of all other vaccines. An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age.” As Nicolas Hulscher at the Courageous Discourse Substack points out, these numbers indicate brain clots are 112,000% more likely to occur following a COVID “vaccine” compared to a seasonal flu vaccine, and 20,700% more likely to occur when compared to any other vaccination.

Image taken from the linked Hulscher article.

November 2 – Dr. Stefan Homburg does a presentation in the German Bundestag to share with lawmakers information a whistleblower leaked out of the Robert Koch Institute (the RKI is equivalent to our CDC). The RKI Leak consists of 10GB of info that exposes the COVID “protocols” used by the German government as nothing more than a politicized fraud. Beginning at about the 5:00 mark, Homburg goes over the leaked communications and discusses their implications. One of the biggest revelations was how governments in Europe agreed with the US FDA’s decision to hold back on their approval of the mRNA COVID clot shots until after the 2020 election so that Trump would not benefit politically. While I am of the opinion these experimental injections should never have received approval, this shows how the supposed do-gooders who claimed to want to save everyone with a vaccine let more than two months pass before bringing them to market so Trump would not get a boost before the election. According to Homburg, “He [Trump] wanted an admission on November 1, 2020, but the political forces behind the corona scam wanted Biden.” While it is important to know what these leftists COVID tyrants did from 2020-2022, it’s even more important to understand why they did it. As for me, I’ll never believe another word they say for as long as I live.

  • RFK Jr. takes to Twitter to announce: “On January 20, the Trump White House will advise all U.S​. water systems to remove fluoride from public water. Fluoride is an industrial waste associated with arthritis, bone fractures, bone cancer, IQ loss, neurodevelopmental disorders, and thyroid disease. President ​@realDonaldTrump and First Lady @MELANIATRUMP want to Make America Healthy Again.” The post also includes a link to a 1-hour presentation explaining how harmful fluoride really is to human health – a fact not widely known among most Americans. In many ways, the MAHA movement is just as important as the MAGA movement. Update (11/3/24): N(othing)B(ut)C(rap) publishes an article dishonestly-titled, “Trump doesn’t rule out banning vaccines if he becomes president: ‘I’ll make a decision.’” This headline is meant to not only make their ignorant readers wrongly think he will ban all vaccines if he becomes president again, but that he alone will make the decision because of his autocratic tendencies… And the dishonesty doesn’t stop there. Democrat party propagandists Dasha Burns and Alexandra Marquez go on to trash RFK and further mislead their readers, writing, “Kennedy, who ran for president as an independent this year before he dropped his bid and endorsed Trump, has long spread conspiracies and falsehoods about vaccines and other public health matters. He has, for example, frequently claimed that vaccines are linked to autism, even though studies have debunked that theory for decades.” The authors included all of the links contained in the excerpt – two of which are the same garbage NBC hit piece on RFK. This article is a perfect example of what can only be described as the death throes of the corrupt corporate media… And if I’m being honest, I’m enjoying every minute of it.

Only a slight exaggeration…

November 4 – A study is published in the Poultry, Fishes and Wildlife Sciences Journal titled, “Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl.” The purpose of the paper was to investigate possible lab origins of the bird flu strain (H5N1 clade that is currently circulating around the US. Regarding how fast this strain has spread, researchers wrote, “Currently the world is facing a global pandemic of H5N1 clade – first detected in October 2020 in the Netherlands – that purportedly evolved from H5Nx viruses and possesses even greater pathogenic functions. An especially striking feature of the newly emerged H5N1 clade is how rapidly it spread from birds in Europe to birds in North America. This rapid spread contrasts with the previously slow intercontinental spread of the goose/Guangdong-lineage of H5N1. After emerging in China in 1996, it was first detected in Europe in 2005, and then in the United States in 2014. While it apparently took nine years for earlier variants to spread from Europe to the United States, H5N1 clade was first detected in the Netherlands in October 2020 and then in the United States in late 2021. What could account for the new variant’s extraordinarily rapid intercontinental spread? In a July 11, 2022 paper in Nature titled ‘Transatlantic spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 by wild birds from Europe to North America in 2021,’ a large international team offered the hypothesis that birds migrating from Europe to Iceland and other North Atlantic islands, and from there to North America in 2021, must have carried the virus across the Atlantic… This conclusion contains an implausible element and a notable omission. First, the hypothetical spread of a new avian influenza variant by migratory birds from Europe to North America by crossing the North Atlantic has never been documented before and therefore appears to be unprecedented. Second, the paper’s conclusion omits the fact that at the same time (December 2021) the H5N1 clade was purportedly detected in birds in Newfoundland, it was also detected in ducks in South Carolina, just two hundred miles east of the USDA’s Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL), which began performing serial passage experiments with H5Nx viruses on mallard ducks in the spring of 2021… HPAI H5N1 belonging to clade (genotype B3.13) are currently infecting a large number and variety of animal species in the United States, resulting in sporadic human infections. In the context of modern viral outbreaks involving pathogenic organisms, it is crucial to evaluate the potential origins of the virus, including the possibility of laboratory involvement…  The above circumstances prompted us to pose a question – namely, is it possible that HPAI H5N1 clade evolved not in nature, but as a result of serial passage or other Gain-of-Function (GOF) research in a laboratory?”

Regarding the possibility the strain originated from the USDA SEPRL in Athens, Georgia, the authors highlight the fact the facility “has a history of performing GOF research on H5N1 viruses prior to their current serial passage experiments. In 2008, Wasilenko et al., from SEPRL generated recombinant H5N1 viruses by exchanging individual gene segments from two parental H5N1 strains with differing pathogenicity. They specifically exchanged the PB1, PB2, NP, HA, NS and M genes in these recombinant viruses, which resulted in some mutant viruses exhibiting increased pathogenicity while others showed decreased pathogenicity. Regarding the serial passage experiments being performed at SEPRL, several mutations can arise [the authors cite several studies with examples of said mutations]… Genetic analysis of the H5N1 clade (genotype B3.13) from the human case reported in Texas on 1 April, 2024, revealed a PB2 E627K mutation. In contrast, the human case reported in Michigan on 22 May, 2024 (also genotype B3.13), exhibited a different mutation, PB2 M631L. As we’ve outlined above, these two mutations can be a result of serial passage GOF experiments… Concerningly, genotype B1.2 was found in a bottlenose dolphin… in March 2022 in Florida, indicating sudden new adaptations to different animal species. The dolphin exhibited neuronal necrosis and inflammation of the brain and meninges, and RT-PCR revealed the brain carried the highest viral load. Furthermore, the NP gene of H5N1 clade (genotype B3.13), which is causing unprecedented cattle infections, was reported to have likely originated from an avian influenza A virus resembling A/mallard/Alberta/567/2021 (H11N9)-like strains. These data indicate that a laboratory leak of H5N1 clade genotype B1 may have occurred and spread via mallard ducks, eventually resulting in the sudden outbreaks among various mammals, cattle, and sporadic human infections (Figure 2).” 

The authors then provide some background information about past leaks, writing in part, “Laboratory leaks are far more common than one may realize from news reporting. Since 2001, there have been 309 confirmed and reported lab-acquired infections globally, with a vast majority (78.6%) occurring in the U.S. This number is expected to be even higher because not all cases are reported to the media or published in peer-reviewed journals. The risk of unreported lab leaks is suspected of being especially high in China, where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) imposes a high level of secrecy about the activities of Chinese biolabs. In 2022, an illegal biolab tied to the People’s Republic of China was discovered in Reedley, CA. It contained thousands of samples of potential pathogens, including HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and SARS-CoV-2, as well as nearly a thousand transgenic mice genetically engineered to mimic the human immune system. Lab workers said that the mice were designed ‘to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus.’ Additionally, the lab contained a freezer labelled ‘Ebola.’

The most common cause of pathogen escape is ‘procedural error.’ Animal escape is another cause of pathogen escape and could be the culprit behind any possible H5N1 leaks. Mallard ducks, which are used in serial passage experiments at the SEPRL facility, serve as natural reservoirs for many influenza A viruses. The mallard is the most numerous duck species in North America and Eurasia and is known to be an efficient asymptomatic carrier and spreader of H5N1 viruses…”

“In January 2014, the CDC experienced an inadvertent cross-contamination incident where a Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI) A (H9N2) virus culture was contaminated with a HPAI A (H5N1) virus. This contaminated culture was subsequently shipped to the SEPRL in Athens, Georgia, but the issue wasn’t identified until May 2014, meaning that unrecognized H5N1 contamination could have been occurr[ing] for months. The contamination event revealed gaps in laboratory safety protocols and reporting mechanisms, underscoring the risk of H5N1 escape even within high-containment facilities such as SEPRL. Moreover, in 2012, Imai et al., using GOF techniques, modified H5N1 in the laboratory to better infect ferrets at the University of Wisconsin-Madison by introducing four specific mutations in the viral Haemagglutinin (HA) protein within a 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus backbone. These modifications allowed the H5N1 virus to preferentially recognize human-type receptors, replicate efficiently in ferrets, and transmit via respiratory droplets, while causing lung lesions and weight loss without high pathogenicity or mortality. In November 2013, a researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison accidentally pierced their finger with a needle containing this engineered H5N1 virus. The injured researcher was quarantined at home rather than in a specialized facility, raising concerns about the university’s preparedness for such incidents. In December 2019, another breach occurred at the same university when a trainee’s respirator hose detached during an experiment with a lab-engineered H5N1 virus. The university delayed notifying health officials and federal oversight bodies, raising concerns about inadequate safety measures and reporting practices. These incidents underscore critical lapses in laboratory safety and oversight that can occur at BSL-3 laboratories such as the SEPRL and the Erasmus Medical Center, highlighting the significant risks associated with GOF research. Merler et al., estimated that there’s a 5% to 15% chance that an H5N1 lab escape would not be detected at all using model simulations of a lab leak originating in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, the same city where Wang et al., conducted GOF experiments.”

The conclusion of the study reads, “The proximal origins of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 Clade may be the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory (SEPRL) in Athens, Georgia and the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Genetic evidence and historical context suggest that laboratory activities, including serial passage and GOF research, could have contributed to the emergence of H5N1 clade However, causation has not been established, and further investigation is urgently needed to confirm these findings and to identify all H5N1 laboratory leaks that may have occurred with a focus on mallard ducks and other migratory waterfowl, which have the potential to infect a large number of poultry and livestock facilities around the world. A moratorium on GOF research including serial passage of H5N1 is indicated to prevent a man-made influenza pandemic affecting animals and humans.” Despite these common sense suggestions, government fear mongering over a bird flu pandemic is becoming louder, H5N1 vaccine production continues to ramp up, and millions upon millions of animals needed for food production are being needlessly slaughtered. It’s becoming increasingly obvious the death cult is trying to get another pandemic set in motion in case Trump pulls off the win so they can use it to disrupt the Make America Great Again agenda during his second term.

November 5 – Donald Trump wins the 2024 Presidential election, including every swing state and the popular vote. In addition to this fantastic news, it looks like the GOP will also win the House and Senate, giving Republicans legislative control for at least the next two years. Needless to say, leftists are not handling the news well Now, all of that said – and this might just be the pessimist in me – doesn’t this whole thing seem just a bit too easy? In any case, let the appointments begin! Update (11/6/24): Democrat incumbent Tammy Baldwin “defeats” Republican Eric Hovde in a Wisconsin Senate race that was extremely fishy to say the least. For a breakdown of the various anomalies that overshadow Baldwin’s supposed “win” – including a middle-of-the-night Milwaukee ballot dump that went “nearly 99%” to Baldwin – see this short video. Update 2 (11/12/24): After a week of “counting” votes, leftist Ruben Gallego “defeats” MAGA candidate Kari Lake in Arizona’s US Senate race to replace the outgoing Kyrsten Sinema. So if I understand this correctly: voters in AZ got their ballots in hand, checked the box for Donald Trump, and then decided to reject Lake in favor of an open borders commie whose father worked for the drug cartels – the very cartels plaguing their state with drugs and crime? I don’t believe that for one second. AZ is a captured state run by criminals at the federal level. Update 3 (12/16/24): On December 13th, after weeks of “counting” votes in various jurisdictions, Commiefornia officially certifies their 2024 election “results” – despite the fact the election held there was anything but certifiable (which is usually the case). In addition to an estimated 24% of voters in the Golden State being ineligible non-citizens (also see this), several of the 57 supposed bomb threats that disrupted counting around the country took place in CA and could have provided adequate cover for the cheating Democrats – who somehow made slight gains there even though every state in the union moved to the right (yes, even CA moved right). In Orange County, for example – which is historically a pretty Republican county – Democrats eventually took the lead in three House races where the Republican candidate led for weeks after election day. Was the supposed 76.1% turnout rate there accurate (the state voted at a rate of 71% of registered voters), or was it the weeks of counting manufactured/fraudulent votes that drove turnout to a level that would impress Kim Jong Un? Regardless, the stealing of these seats, especially in the House where the GOP holds only a razor-thin majority, will only empower the un-American, Trump-hating RINOs embedded in congress. These are the people who will be seeking to impede his our agenda come 2025. 

The first order of business for the incoming administration needs to be unleashing the DOJ on all of the traitors destroying our country from the inside. Though this will undoubtedly be reported as “vindictive” or “revenge” by our soulless and filthy “news” media, rooting out the corruption in our institutions and reestablishing election integrity are of the utmost importance if our republic is to survive into the future with its distinctive ideals intact. The real challenge will be putting people in place with the courage to actually do it.

Visual representation of Commiefornia’s voter registrations courtesy of Joe Hoft.

Despite every bullshit attempt to stop it, the America First Trump Train rolls on.

  • The Conversation publishes an article titled, “Misinformation Really Does Spread like a Virus, Epidemiology Shows.” Unsurprisingly, the article is filled exclusively with misinformation, false narratives and outright lies. Here’s a snippet of the horseshit: “One class of epidemiological models that works for misinformation is known as the susceptible-infectious-recovered (SIR) model. These simulate the dynamics between susceptible (S), infected (I), and recovered or resistant individuals (R). These models are generated from a series of differential equations (which help mathematicians understand rates of change) and readily apply to the spread of misinformation. For instance, on social media, false information is propagated from individual to individual, some of whom become infected, some of whom remain immune. Others serve as asymptomatic vectors (carriers of disease), spreading misinformation without knowing or being adversely affected by it… Prominent social media figures with large followings can become ‘superspreaders’ of election disinformation, blasting falsehoods to potentially hundreds of millions of people. This reflects the current situation where election officials report being outmatched in their attempts to fact-check minformation [sic]… The viral spread analogy for misinformation is fitting precisely because it allows scientists to simulate ways to counter its spread. These interventions include an approach called “psychological inoculation”, also known as prebunking. This is where researchers preemptively introduce, and then refute, a falsehood so that people gain future immunity to misinformation. It’s similar to vaccination, where people are introduced to a (weakened) dose of the virus to prime their immune systems to future exposure.” Pretty brutal, right? Three of the four links in the snippet are Elon Musk hit pieces… Is there anything more insufferable than leftists pretending like they have important things to say?

November 6 – New Jersey Assemblyman and RFK advisor Jamel Holley shares via Twitter: “Sources tell me top five CEOs of pharmaceutical companies are holding an emergency teleconference at 1 PM. A lawyer has confirmed that everyone is in a state of panic!” The news comes as Pharmaceutical Technology reports, “[f]ollowing Donald Trump’s re-election as the 47th President of the United States, the global healthcare community is beginning to examine the potential implications for the pharmaceutical industry and public health policy. In particular, Trump’s indication that Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Jr. – a prominent vaccine sceptic – could potentially play a significant role in his administration has raised questions about the future of vaccine policies in the US. At the Financial Times (FT) Global Pharma and Biotech Summit in London… GSK [GlaxoSmithKline] CEO Emma Walmsley addressed these concerns and underscored the critical role of the US in GSK’s operations. ‘The US is extremely important to GSK,’ Walmsley stated. ‘We’re a global company, but more than half of the business is in the US, we’re very heavily invested there, with factories in many states. It is by far the most important market to bring our innovation to first.’ …Reflecting on the need for constructive dialogue around vaccines, Walmsley spoke about the importance of transparency and presenting scientific data. ‘Number one is transparent, adult-to-adult communication around the facts. Of course, vaccines are a much sharper question, because you’re dealing with injecting healthy people – often babies. Parents have questions. You don’t just shout, ‘trust us.’ You bring the facts forward, and I hope that science and truth will prevail,’ concluded Walmsley.” Later in the day RFK Tweeted, “President Trump has asked me to do three things: 1. Clean up the corruption in our government health agencies. 2. Return those agencies to their rich tradition of gold-standard, evidence-based science. 3. Make America Healthy Again by ending the chronic disease epidemic.” It would have been cooler if he said he’s coming to the District of Criminals to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and that he was all out of bubblegum, but this works, too.

November 7 – According to Open the Books and Jordan Schachtel, The Twerp has received $15M in taxpayer-funded security services over the past two years despite stepping down as the Director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases at the end of 2022. This includes a personal driver and a fully-staffed US Marshals security detail. I couldn’t think of a bigger waste of taxpayer money as Fauci has plenty of his own dough and can afford to pay for security if he wants it. He made his bed and he should now be forced to lie in it.

  • The Courageous Discourse Substack publishes an interesting article titled, “Attack of the Replicons.” The piece is about a new vaccine technology called self-amplifying RNA (saRNA), and the risks it poses to our health. There are a couple of short videos and some graphics included, so it is worth checking out. I got through it in under 10 minutes.

November 8 – Lisa Domski, a Catholic woman who was fired by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan for refusing to take the COVID clot shot, was awarded more than $12M by a jury of her peers. Domski worked for the company for more than 30 years and was working 100% remotely when they fired her for noncompliance. She received $1.7M for lost pay, $1M in noneconomic damages, and another $10M in punitive damages.

November 11 – In the latest installment of Death Cult Runs Wild in Canada, The New Atlantic reports, “Ontario’s euthanasia regulators have tracked 428 cases of possible criminal violations – and not referred a single case to law enforcement… Newly uncovered reports reveal that these authorities have thus far counted over 400 apparent violations – and have kept this information from the public and not pursued a single criminal charge, even against repeat violators and ‘blatant’ offenders.” Check out the article for details.

November 14 – Trump picks Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). According to the leftists at Politico, “[t]he pick, which will roil many public health experts, comes after Trump promised to let Kennedy ‘go wild’ with health and food policy in his administration after Kennedy dropped his own presidential bid to endorse the now-president-elect. It’s also a sign of the opening Trump sees after he scored a decisive electoral victory and Republicans won a comfortable majority in the Senate… Kennedy may still face a steep slope to confirmation after his years of touting debunked claims that vaccines cause autism, written a book accusing former National Institutes of Health official Anthony Fauci of conspiring with tech mogul Bill Gates and drugmakers to sell Covid-19 vaccines and said regulatory officials are industry puppets who should be removed.”

Back in 2008, after Barack Obama won the presidential election, the same “news” outlet wrote an article titled, “Obama considers stars for cabinet.” In the piece they discuss Obama’s consideration of Kennedy for head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), writing, “President-elect Barack Obama is strongly considering Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Environmental Protection Agency, a Cabinet post, Democratic officials told Politico… Obama is indebted to the Kennedy family for a hearty endorsement at a crucial point in the Democratic primaries. The selection of Kennedy would be a shrewd early move for the new presidential team… It also would raise the profile of the EPA, which would help endear Obama to liberals who may be disappointed on other issues important to the Democratic left because of budget restrictions. The EPA enforces clean air and clear water laws. Kennedy, an environmental lawyer and son of the late senator and attorney general Robert F. Kennedy, has long championed a cleaner water supply for New York City. As an officer and attorney for the environmental watch group Riverkeeper, Kennedy has taken on governments and companies for polluting the Hudson River and Long Island Sound. Kennedy, a falconer and white-water rafter, also worked as an assistant district attorney in New York City.” Do you notice how back then, when Obama was considering him, RFK Jr. was “an environmental lawyer,” “a falconer,” and “a white-water rafter” who would “raise the profile of the EPA” because of the important causes he “championed,” while now he is more closely associated with terms like “conspiracy theorist,” “debunked” and “falsehoods”? This is not because he is a different person now, it’s because just ten short years ago the Democrat party had not yet fully turned itself over to evil (though they were about 75% of the way).

Moreover, when you consider the fact that China Joe’s pick for HHS Secretary, Rachel Levine, was confirmed by the Senate without issue, Kennedy’s appointment should be an absolute no-brainer. Levine has never really struck me as a shining example of health, though to be fair this is mostly due to her appearance (she is an obese man with more chins than a Chinese phonebook). Making matters worse, she turned out to be a COVID cult member of the highest order – which is probably why she was appointed in the first place. Levine was a political appointment who made political decisions. RFK, on the other hand, is a highly intelligent person with a proven track record as a successful litigator, and while you might not agree with him on everything (I certainly don’t), he approaches public health issues by placing the emphasis on public health, not politics. Yet Democrats may still try to block his appointment. For example, in the first linked article above, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (who reminds me a lot of Oswald Bates from In Living Color) is quoted as saying, “Is RFK Jr. the best qualified person in the United States of America to lead us forward as we grapple with an enormous amount of health challenges in this country? The answer is clearly he is not.” Well, why not? Who would be better? Did Politico’s useless “reporter” ask a follow-up about this? And while I’m aware Jeffries is not a Senator and will not get a vote, I am also aware that Democrats consistently vote along party lines, so his comments are a reliable indication of how they will approach the Kennedy appointment. Isn’t it telling how people like Jeffries never do anything about the ongoing problem we have with the revolving door between business and government, and instead pretend as if it’s RFK who represents an existential threat to America’s health? Truth be told, I wouldn’t trust Jeffries to tell me the time if he was standing in a room full of clocks. Also see this.

Update (11/14/24): The stock market reacts to the news of RFK’s appointment, which resulted in a bit of a “tumble” for Moderna, Pfizer, Novavax and several other companies that manufacture vaccines. This is really just the continuation of a trend that began in early 2023 when the COVID bonanza began coming to an end and demand for Big Pharma’s COVID-related products fell off sharply. Update 2 (11/17/24): The Scarf Lady joins Democrat party propagandist Margaret Brennan on CompleteBS’s Face the Nation and is surprisingly fair regarding the appointment of RFK. When asked what she thinks is contributing to falling vaccination rates, Birx said in part, “I think there’s two pieces to it… When we talk about things in public health we don’t acknowledge the concerns, because when my children went to school, there was maybe 1 in a 1000 kids with autism, diagnosed autisms [sic], now it’s 3 per 100. So every mom is seeing a classroom of kindergartners where one of the children has autism. That’s scary to moms and dads, they want to know why. So it’s not good enough for us to just say vaccines don’t cause autism, it’s us finding what is the cause of autism, and reverse it.” At this point Brennan – who was not getting the answers she was looking for – jumped in to try and steer Birx back in the right direction by pinning her down on the vaccine/autism debate. And while Birx agreed there was no scientific “conclusion” that vaccines cause autism, she followed up by saying, “…that’s why when he talks about transparency I’m actually excited that in a Senate hearing he would bring forward his data… What I know for sure is he’s a very smart man who can bring his data and his evidence forward and we can have a discussion that many Americans believe already is a problem… And I think what has confused people is we weren’t clear about what COVID vaccines do and don’t, and so now people are questioning, well, what are my childhood vaccines do and don’t [sic], and they don’t understand that some of the vaccines that their children are getting protect them from both disease and create herd immunity, and some of them that they get are just for their child – like H. flu [Haemophilus influenzae] and Pneumovax – to protect their child from getting very serious illness and we’re just not explaining all of this correctly.” The biggest takeaway from the interview? Margaret Brennan is a pathetic excuse for a journalist. 

Update 3 (11/17/24): The NY Slimes runs an RFK hit piece titled, “Kennedy’s Vow to Take On Big Food Could Alienate His New G.O.P. Allies.” Hilariously, the two Democrat party propagandists who wrote the article (yes, it took more than one twit to produce this garbage) tried to get Kennedy on a fact-check, but ended up proving his point instead… in the very next sentence. The twits wrote, “Mr. Kennedy has singled out Froot Loops as an example of a product with too many artificial ingredients, questioning why the Canadian version has fewer than the U.S. version. But he was wrong. The ingredient list is roughly the same, although Canada’s has natural colorings made from blueberries and carrots while the U.S. product contains red dye 40, yellow 5 and blue 1 as well as Butylated hydroxytoluene, or BHT, a lab-made chemical that is used ‘for freshness,’ according to the ingredient label.” My God these people are such idiots.

Update 4 (11/19/24): Scientific American chimes in with an opinion piece titled, “RFK, Jr., Is a Bad Prescription for U.S. Public Health.” At various points throughout the drivel hit piece, Democrat party propagandist Maggie Fox refers to RFK as “a proven menace,” someone with a record of “promoting downright quackery,” a maker of “bogus health claims,” a “spewer of nonsense,” and an “anti-vaxxer.” To her credit, she did leave out the pejorative term “conspiracy theorist.”

Update 5 (11/29/24): Former FDA Commissioner and current Pfizer board member Scott Gottlieb makes an appearance on CNBC’s Squawk Box program to fear monger and lie about RFK. Gottlieb told the panel of twits, “I’m not so sure people really understand how Kennedy’s intentions are going to translate into policy, and how serious he is. There was an article recently [a stupid smile begins to appear on Gottlieb’s face] where one of his confidants, Del Bigtree, who is gonna probably be brought into HHS said, ya know, he didn’t get inside the castle to forego his long held beliefs. They’re gonna follow through on these.” Good, Bigtree is awesome. When pressed further if he was explicitly “urging” GOP senators to not confirm him, Gottlieb said [with the same stupid smile on his face], “Look, I think that there is skepticism in the Republican caucus, more than I think the press is reporting right now. There’s gonna be ag-state senators that are concerned about his impact on food prices, there’s gonna be principled pro-lifers concerned about his positions on abortion, there’s gonna be a number of public health-minded senators who have deep concerns about his position on vaccines… I think if RFK follows through on his intentions – and I believe he will – and I believe if he can it will cost lives in this country. You’re gonna see measles/mumps/rubella vaccination rates go down, and like I said, if we lose another 5% [in the childhood vaccination rate] – which could happen in the next year or two – we will see large measles outbreaks… RFK can go in there with a stroke of a pen, disband ACIP, reconstitute it with like-minded people, issue a whole new bunch of recommendations. He can frustrate the ability to take the money from the Vaccine for Children’s Fund, which would impede a state’s abilities to vaccinate children. There’s a lot of things that they could do day one, very easily, administratively. And I don’t think there’s a thing Congress can do.” Let’s hope he’s right about the last part… Also see this.

Update 6 (12/10/24): The faux outrage to RFK heading up HHS begins to hit a fever pitch with an article out of Forbes titled, “RFK Jr. Cabinet Nomination: Dozens Of Nobel Winners Urge Senate To Reject Trump’s HHS Pick.” The piece is about a letter originally printed in the NY Slimes a day earlier where Democrat party propagandist Mary Whitfill Roeloffs wrote in part, “[m]ore than 75 Nobel laureates have signed onto a letter urging senators to reject the nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., president-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Health and Human Services secretary, warning a confirmation ‘would put the public’s health in jeopardy and undermine America’s global leadership in the health sciences.’ Former New York City mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg, an advocate and large donor to public health programs, has called on Trump to ‘rethink’ his choice of Kennedy, whose appointment he said would be equivalent to ‘medical malpractice on a mass scale.’ Speaking at the Bloomberg American Health Summit, Bloomberg said it was the duty of the Senate to stop the ‘beyond dangerous’ nomination of Kennedy, specifically calling out the vaccine skepticism he’s long promoted.” Who could read such nonsense and actually believe it? Oh that’s right, Democrats…

Of all the ridiculous claims made in the desperate hit piece, the most ridiculous would have to be, “Stock in dental supply companies rose slightly after Kennedy was nominated to head HHS, CNBC reported, as traders anticipated a boom in dental visits if fluoride is removed from water.” So stupid.

What a travesty it would be if the guy on the right doesn’t get confirmed, while the guy on the left did.

A letter signed by “experts” was one of the many ways the government conspired to cheat President Trump in 2020.

  • Laura Helmuth, the deranged leftist who had been serving as editor-in-chief of the once-prestigious Scientific American, announces on Bluesky that she is stepping down from her post. If you recall, the magazine endorsed Commie-la for president last month, and following her defeat on the 5th, Helmuth whined like a baby and publicly lashed out at Trump supporters, calling them “fucking fascists” in a Bluesky post (see below). This is the real reason she was forced to resign in disgrace… For those of you who don’t know, Bluesky is a leftist Twitter knockoff that gave Democrats a new place to spew their stupid bullshit after Elon Musk purchased Twitter. In my opinion, however, the platform is more like a digital mental hospital where none of the patients are receiving treatment. For the full compendium of her hateful outbursts check out this article. Also see this. Update (11/22/24): The smug and elitist Neil deGrasse Tyson appears on Real Time with Bill Maher and once again attempts to make up for what he lacks in common sense by nonsensically running his obnoxious mouth. After touching on Helmuth stepping down from Scientific American, Maher reads an excerpt from the unscientific rag (from over a year ago) claiming the reason inequities between male and female athletes exist is because of biases in sports, and not because of “inherent biological differences.” When Tyson just couldn’t seem to bring his woke self to admit this language was utterly ridiculous, and the real reason Helmuth should have been fired years ago, Maher told him to his face he was “part of the problem.” Later in the program, during the “Overtime” segment, Tyson and Maher sparred again, this time over medical interventions like vaccines (beginning around the 14:55 mark). When Maher told him he should stay in his lane because he’s “not a doctor,” the insufferable Tyson became triggered and started ranting about how being a scientist qualifies him to have an opinion about pretty much everything… Maher then zinged by saying, “when I get a goiter on Uranus I’ll call you.” I’m not the biggest fan of Bill Maher, but watching him give that know-it-all jackass the business was quite enjoyable.

Screenshots of Helmuth’s Bluesky posts.

November 17 – A study is published in the Science, Public Health Policy and the Law journal titled, “A Systematic Review Of Autopsy Findings In Deaths After COVID-19 Vaccination.” After looking at 44 paper that contained 325 autopsy cases and one organ-restricted autopsy case (heart), researchers determined, “[t]he most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases. The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination, of which the primary causes of death include sudden cardiac death (35%), pulmonary embolism (12.5%), myocardial infarction (12%), VITT (7.9%), myocarditis (7.1%), multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%), and cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%).” Conclusion: “The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death.” This paper was available a long time ago, but other journals like The Lancet, for example, attempted to censor it before it was eventually published.

November 18 – Yahoo!Finance reports the Associated Presstitutes will “begin offering buyouts and lay off selected employees, part of a plan to reduce the news outlet’s staff by about 8% and accelerate a transition to a digital-first organization… Once considered the world’s largest newsgathering organization, the AP no longer makes that claim and does not reveal the size of its staff.” LMFAO.

November 19 – Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) sends a letter to Xavier Becerra (HHS), Mandy Cohen (CDC) and Robert Califf (FDA) to let them know he will no longer be putting up with the secrecy tactics they’ve utilized during their tenure running these important health agencies when he becomes the Chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Johnson wrote in part, “The lack of transparency from your agencies during the Biden presidency has been appalling. Your agencies’ refusal to provide complete and unredacted responses and documents to my numerous oversight letters on the development and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines has hindered Congressional oversight and has jeopardized the public’s health. In addition to hiding relevant information from Congress, your agencies have applied heavy redactions to public documents released under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. These redactions have made many of these public documents hard to understand and, in countless instances, impossible to read. What is clear from these excessive redactions, however, is a concerted effort to obscure Congress’ and the public’s understanding of your agencies’ detection of and response to COVID-19 vaccine adverse events such as myocarditis and pericarditis… For the last several years, I have sent over 60 public letters to federal agencies on COVID-19 regarding the virus’ origins, early treatment, and the development and safety of the vaccines. While your agencies have largely ignored or failed to fully cooperate with my oversight efforts, I can assure you that your obstruction will soon come to an end. In the next Congress, when I become chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, any attempt by your agencies to withhold documents will be met with a subpoena.” While the people riding in the China Joe clown car will be gone come January, this is Johnson letting them know they will no longer be able to hide their COVID crimes when the next administration takes over and begins divulging the information they have spent so much time and effort suppressing.

November 21 – The CDC updates their immunization schedules for 2025 and one thing is quite clear… The medical establishment is seeking to transform every last person in this country into a Big Pharma pin cushion. According to the child and adolescent schedule, children are expected to take almost 40 vaccine doses before the age of two (with four occurring in-utero), and 70 by the time they’re 18. As I’ve lamented many times before, the experimental and completely unbeneficial COVID clot shot is now part of the schedule. Sad! Also see this.

  • Leftist climate tyrant John Kerry attends a forum hosted by Harvard’s Institute of Politics. About 40 minutes into Kerry’s extremely boring babbling he goes on a bit of a rant about Africa and “climate refugees” – which is perhaps the dumbest term ever concocted by the climate cult – telling the audience, “…we have to embrace this transition. We also have to do it for national security reasons. If Africa has an implosion of the food basket of Africa, which could happen, and water continues to diminish and we have droughts as much as we’re having right now, you could have massive movement of people. And when I say massive it’s already a pretty large movement. 39 million people are currently considered to be [by the climate cult] climate refugees moving from places where you can’t work outdoors, you don’t have water, you can’t grow what they used to grow, and so they’re moving. And I got news for you, I saw it personally. I was managing a lot of what went on in the war in Syria to try to get people out of there, and we had a million people come in from the desert into Damascus, and that changed the politics of that country for the worse and they joined into insurrection and we lost control of our ability to be able to deal with Isis at that time, and al-Nusra, and Al-Qaeda and so forth, but ultimately we got it together. But many of those refugees started knocking on the door of Europe – ask Angela Merkel what happened to Germany with the alt-right… I mean it affects things folks. Nobody lives as an island in this process on this planet and we’re now more connected in so many more ways than we are honoring and we need to start to re-honor that. We used to do that in the United States. We need to get back to caring about what’s happening in the other parts of the world, to caring about those 48 sub-Saharan African states which are 0.55% [carbon emission level], but which are getting clobbered by what’s happening with climate because of the 23 states that are more than 80% of all the emissions. So I think personally we’re [on] the brink of needing to declare a climate emergency, which is what we really have, and we need to get people to behave as if this really is a major transitional challenge to the whole planet, to everybody.” Yeah, but the thing is, it’s simply not an emergency, John. Just like COVID, the climate emergency narrative is meant to bring transformative changes to the world. Not because they are needed, but because the death cult believes this is something average people will buy into and get onboard with – so that we “behave” the way they want us to. And to be clear, when people like Kerry talk about “climate refugees” flooding into Europe and other places, these people are not climate refugees. That is just a made up term for the people intentionally being brought into western countries to destroy western culture. “Climate change” is simply the excuse they rely upon to provide them political cover.

November 22 – President Trump nominates Johns Hopkins University surgeon and professor, Dr. Marty Makary, to serve as Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration. Makary has been featured several times in this timeline for his outspoken criticism of the US pandemic response narrative, testifying before congress (see February 28th, 2023), and asserting COVID escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This is another great selection by President Trump.

  • Pfizer-controlled Reuters reports President Trump has nominated “TV doctor” Janette Nesheiwat to be the next US Surgeon General. The fake news outlet chose to use the disrespectful language they did because of her regular appearances on Fox News – as if she wasn’t a real doctor. However, I’m not crazy about this selection as Nesheiwat – at one time at least – was a big pusher of the COVID clot shot, an advocate for masks and in favor of censoring COVID “misinformation.” Since then, however, she seems to have seen the light. For example, on December 19, 2021, while responding to a Candace Owens Tweet about how the term “breakthrough infection” was a made-up BS term, Nesheiwat wrote, “Agree. ‘Oh you’ll only have mild symptoms’ is not enough anymore for me, how about no symptoms and no disease and let’s get a better vaccine.” On another occasion (October 20, 2022), when the CDC was getting ready to add the COVID jab to the childhood vaccine schedule, Nesheiwat disapprovingly Tweeted, “If CDC approves a covid vaccine addition to the routine schedule of vax for kids, it will mark the most egregious unethical & harmful decision to children. No mandates. Especially for a vax that can’t prevent disease. May God give them the wisdom & courage to vote appropriately.” In case you don’t recall, the bought and paid for CDC advisory committee ended up voting in favor of adding it to the schedule by a margin of 15-0… For now I’m going to take a wait-and-see approach with Nesheiwat, though I’m not overly optimistic considering Peter Hotez (aka the new Fauci) has publicly approved of the pick. That said, it would be unfair to not give someone a chance to change their mind, especially if they had previously been in the dark about the facts.
  • President Trump nominates former Florida Congressman, Dr. Dave Weldon, as the new Director of the Centers for Disease Control. While I’m not too familiar with Weldon, he has quite the resume, so I’m open to giving him a chance.
  • The CDC issues a press release confirming the first bird flu infection “in a child in California.” The child is apparently experiencing only minor symptoms and is being treated with antiviral medication. Make no mistake, CA will be where they kick off the bird flu pandemic should they decide that’s the way they want to go.
  • Open the Books publishes a fantastic article about how the federal government uses our federal tax dollars against us through preventing the supposed spread of “misinformation.” In fact, the federal government has spent a whopping $267M on research grants with the term “misinformation” in the proposal since the China Joe administration took over in 2021.

“Misinformation” is anything not in line with harmful government/corporate narratives.

November 25 – The O’Keefe Media Group releases undercover video of Raja Cholan, Chief of the Health Data Standards Branch at the U.S. National Library of Medicine for the National Institutes of Health, admitting COVID mitigation measures were “made up” and not based on science, the COVID shots are ineffective garbage and a Big Pharma money grab, the NIH took too many shortcuts to get the shot approved, and that the NIH “might have funded… a lab in Wuhan, China to like, make COVID.” Cholan also told the person who was recording him that he had not gotten any recent boosters and that he wouldn’t get them because they don’t work. When asked if he thought the mRNA vaccines were safe in general, and if the risk of heart inflammation was real, Cholan replied in the affirmative, adding “I think we’re all gonna learn when it’s too late.” 

November 26 – President Trump nominates Stanford professor and Great Barrington Declaration co-author, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, to serve as the Director of the National Institutes of Health, a position formerly held by COVID cult member Francis Collins. This is an excellent pick as Bhattacharya was a consistent voice of calm and reason throughout the pandemic, pushing for a moderate mitigation approach and standing strong against lockdowns, masking and school closures, all while enduring relentless attacks. If the death cult tries any funny business during Trump’s second term, perhaps hyping or even unleashing another pandemic, being surrounded by smart, responsible people like Bhattacharya will go a long way in ensuring things don’t play out the way they did during he COVID scamdemic. Also see this and this.

  • The death cult grins as it is reported that over 30K deaths worldwide were from assisted suicide in 2023.

November 27 – Children’s Health Defense (CHD) publishes an article titled, “Mounting Evidence Suggests CDC Hid Data on COVID Vaccines and Myocarditis.” According to documents FOIA’s by CHD, public health agencies in the US were aware that COVID “vaccines” posed the risk of heart inflammation as early as February 28, 2021 when they were contacted by their Israeli counterparts. A slideshow that was provided to US health officials at a subsequent date showed that while the rate of myocarditis was 1.1 per million following the first dose, the rate jumped to 11.7 per million following the second, a 964% increase. Despite this knowledge, the CDC did not admit to a link between the COVID jab and myo/pericarditis until May 27, 2021.

November 30 – An article is published at the An Insult to Intuition Substack titled, “Another Desperate Move By Pro-Vax Propagandists.” Back in 2019, a book was published in Israel titled Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth (the book was subsequently published in English and that version has been available since July of 2022). The book references more than 1,200 scientific studies from mainstream medical journals and health institutions like the CDC, the FDA and the WHO, which has ultimately made it difficult to refute. To get around that, a new book was published earlier this month with a very similar title – Turtles All The Way Down: In Search of Turtles Truth in All Vaccination. The book even has near-identical cover art (see below). According to Madhava Setty, author of the linked article, the book “has so far received 17 reviews on Amazon, all 1-star (the lowest possible rating) by readers who thought they were buying Mary Holland’s book and instead ended up with 260 pages of pro-vaccine propaganda written by Mira Holden with a nearly identical title and cover. I don’t know who author Mira Holden is. It’s obviously a nom de plume chosen for obvious reasons but by whom? More importantly, who paid the hidden author for their time and effort to engage in such blatant misdirection? The effort will most certainly backfire. That’s how desperate they are getting.” Desperate is one way to put it, shameful and pathetic would be another… For some background on the original book see this.
