January 7, 2025 – Wildfires break out in Los Angeles, Commiefornia and the scenes coming out of there can only be described as apocalyptic (also see this and this). This only just happened, but there are already several similarities to the wildfires that occurred in Hawaii in August of 2023, including already-created plans to transform the affected area into a smart city… SmartLA 2028 (also see this). Unsurprisingly, CA Governor Gavin Nuisance used the fire as an opportunity to do a photo-op and looked-on as one of the wealthiest areas in his state turned into the pit of hell.
Update (1/8/25): The NY Post reports LA’s Democrat mayor, Karen Bass, cut fire department funding by almost $18M for the 2024-2025 budget to allocate more resources to the county’s homelessness problem. Making matters worse, Bass was in Ghana when the fires broke out so she could attend the inauguration of their new president, despite promising (also see this) she wouldn’t travel internationally when she was running for mayor in 2021. There have also been multiple reports in the last 24 hours about fire hydrants running dry when firefighters showed up to do their jobs (the Pacific Palisades reservoir was empty and offline when the fires started), as well as video of firefighters using a woman’s purse to pour water on a small patch of fire. It should be noted that in addition to budget cuts, the LA Fire Department sent surplus supplies to Ukraine in 2022 to assist in that pointless war effort. According to ABC10, “[t]he surplus equipment included ‘hoses, nozzles, turnouts, helmets, body armor and other associated personal protective equipment.’” Why are leftists so shortsighted?
Making the entire situation in Commiefornia even worse is the state’s poor water and land management. For example, Governor Nuisance would rather dump millions gallons of mountain snow run-off into the Pacific Ocean to protect a stupid fish, than make sure the human beings living in the state have the water resources they need to avoid disasters like this. Keep in mind, too, that Commiefornia has been wasting untold billions on various water and climate initiatives – including “forest health” – over the years, yet none of it did anything to prevent or mitigate this fire. I’m not buying it.
Update 2 (1/8/25): During a press conference, Los Angeles County Fire Chief Anthony Marrone said, “There are not enough firefighters in LA County to address four separate fires of this magnitude. The LA County Fire Department was prepared for one or two major wildfires, but not the four. This is not a normal red flag alert.” Maybe, but they definitely shouldn’t have fired over 100 firefighters for refusing to take the COVID clot shot… In other news, AlwaysBiasedCoverage “journalist” David Muir was caught using clothespins to tighten up his firefighter’s jacket so he could look buff while reporting on the fire-pocalypse (see image below).
Could this guy be any more vain?
Update 3 (1/10/25): A video posted to social media goes viral showing a police officer in Santa Monica issuing street sweeping tickets from a golf cart while the surrounding area was burning. Nothing says Commiefornia more than a video like this…
Update 4 (1/13/25): Gavin Nuisance admits (while wiggling back and forth with an evil grin on his face) he is taking advice from the Governor of Hawaii “who had some ideas around some land use concerns he has around speculators coming in, buying up properties.”
Update 5 (1/14/25): A former US attorney for Kamala Harris, Michel Valentine, tells NewsNation the response time to the Palisades fire was inadequate, and provides them with video of the fire as it grew out of control on the morning of January 7th. According to the linked article, “[a]t 10:34 a.m., Valentine’s video showed smoke billowing in the wind. Within two minutes, the smoke grew before a noticeable change as the plume appeared to have spread twice as large by 10:50 a.m. A chopper flew overhead scouting the fire. Eight minutes later, notwithstanding the size of the fire seemingly doubling, there was no one fighting the fire. At 11:13 a.m., nearly 45 minutes after the fire was called in, a chopper came into view. Ten minutes later, a helicopter came in and began to dump water. At this point, the fire was already moving quickly down the ridgeline. Valentine rebukes the rhetoric that no amount of water would have helped the situation in Pacific Palisades. ‘I disagree, totally. If there was a prompt response, and if there was a lot of water, [even] adequate water could’ve done it,’ he said. ‘If the fire drops just kept coming consistently, this fire could’ve been confined. Sure, it would’ve continued a bit, but that was all wilderness out there. It wouldn’t have touched any of the homes.’” He went on to describe the way the fires were handled as being on the “verge on criminal negligence.”
Update 6 (1/14/25): The China Joe administration announces it will be giving each resident affected by the fire a one-time payment of $770 – which will barely cover a week in a cheap motel. The federal government will also be covering 100% of the disaster response for the next six months.
Update 7 (1/24/25): President Trump visits Commiefornia to inspect the areas destroyed by the fires, and while there calls out LA mayor Karen Bass for her bureaucratic BS, tells Californians all federal permits will be waived so the cleanup and rebuilding can commence immediately, and blasts the incompetently-run Federal Emergency Management Agency (and dopey leftist Brad Sherman in the process).
Update 8 (2/6/25): During an appearance on XiNN, Gavin Nuisance says the quiet part out loud – the Democrat-caused fire-pocalypse will bring about permanent changes supposedly based in “science.” Responding to a very leading question from Democrat party propagandist Pamela Brown, Nuisance gave the game away, saying, “You can’t rebuild the same. We have to rebuild with science. We have to build with climate reality in mind. We have to look at infrastructure, redundancy systems, ingress/egress as it relates to emergency management and planning, materials – all of that is being reviewed and reconsidered with the latest iterations in terms of understanding and technology. And I say technology, again, in the context of how we build the infrastructure to keep it safe to address undergrounding of lines, we address the larger issues of redundancy in terms of the systems. But more important than anything else is the need to get the debris removed. 30 days to do the hazardous waste. We want to get, 6-9 months, the rest of the debris done. Concurrently people are getting permits, so this is all happening, rolling together, and we want to see construction very shortly, and in the next few years we want to see hundreds, thousands of homes rebuilt.” In addition to Nuisance sounding like a moron, he looked like he was echoing himself in American sign language… It’s already been thirty days since the fires started, and he’s talking about another 30 days to get rid of hazardous materials? Then the better part of a year just to clean up debris? What he’s really saying is that their intentionally long process will force people to leave, at which point they can use the land for what they want to do, which is turn LA into a Smart City ahead of the 2028 Summer Olympics. You can tell me there’s no way Commiefornia’s leadership did this on purpose, but I won’t believe you. These people are total criminals.
Update 9 (2/13/25): Eric Abbenante shares video of Adam Corolla narrating over footage taken of the burnt-out Pacific Coast Highway. Corolla explains how no one has lifted a finger to clean up anything over a month later, and that the government can’t even provide a timeline on when the process may start, or when people will regain access to their property – just like what happened in Hawaii after the Lahaina fires. Interestingly, he also pointed out how the beach club on the coast was completely untouched by the fires, while everything on either side of it was completely incinerated. This is another striking similarity to the Hawaii fires, and one of the biggest mysteries… How come some things were completely destroyed while others were completely fine? When I see houses completely burned to ashes, but the trees surrounding them still standing, I just have to wonder about what’s really going on.
About a month ago Corolla ranted from a hotel room about how all of the relevant authorities will drag their feet on the cleanup/rebuilding process, and that this will end up turning voters against the Democrats… but I’ll believe it when I see it. Commiefornia is a captured state where the elections are rigged, so unless there is major election reform there in the very near future, this is never going to happen.
Update 10 (2/19/25): Fox News reports LA mayor Karen Bass is launching an investigation into why no one told her not to go to Africa. Cue the clown horn…
Update 11 (2/20/25): The O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) releases The LA Fire Tapes, a collection of undercover videos of various people working at different offices and agencies in Los Angeles. One such individual is Alexander Boz, an official working on the LA mayor’s international relations team, who admitted the mayor’s office knew these fires would eventually happen and that there was nothing they could do about it. He described the fires as “a long time waiting to happen” and “a ticking time bomb,” and blamed the residents for the fires spreading because their properties were “out of code,” claiming none of the residents “gave a fuck.” Boz also told the undercover reporter that the reason Bass traveled to Africa was because a “big strategic goal” of her office is establishing more consulates for African nations in Los Angeles.
Another person OMG managed to get to was LA Department of Water and Power employee Angel Luna, who told their undercover reporter the reservoir that services the Pacific Palisades had been empty for about a year, and that it wouldn’t have made much of a difference for residents anyway. Unbelievably, on just his first date with the OMG reporter, Luna admitted he was ignoring his training with the Water Emergency Command Center, laughing and making a gesture like he was tossing it over his shoulder. The training was for an incident like this one, which he ended up completing after the fire, adding it “all makes sense” now that he has seen an emergency play out in real time. Where do they find these people?
OMG later confronted both of these doofuses about what they said to their reporters (which they didn’t appreciate), and also spoke to some National Guard Troops and local residents to get their take.
Update 12 (2/21/25): OMG releases a private phone call between Karen Bass and an anonymous OMG source. On the call, Bass not only preemptively defends her trip to Ghana by saying she would just be missing two work days, but makes a cryptic remark that seems to indicate she knew the fires were coming. Bass said in part, “And in terms of my trip, just so you know, I’m missing two workdays. That’s it. And if President Biden extends me an invitation – I took it. And hopefully you can read in between the lines, but I would just appreciate just – and it’s hard for me to tell you this, but, hold tight. You will, you will understand soon.” The phone call took place on January 4th, three days before the fires broke out. During the conversation, Bass also commented on the deteriorating safety situation in the area around MacArthur Park and how this was not her area of expertise.